Drake family enquiries database A - C
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Drake family enquiries database A - C
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If you would like to add any material that is related to the Drake family to this list, please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - drake@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your entries will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD.

born 12 Apr 1803 in New Jersey
I'm new to this list and trying to get my DRAKE family extended. I don't have too many facts about my DRAKE ancestors.
According to Ann DRAKE's obituary she was born 12 Apr 1803 in New Jersey and the family moved to Ohio in 1812.
She died in Buchanan, Michigan on 5 Apr 1895. She married Barnet RYNEARSON on 15 Aug 1822 in Clinton county, Ohio and her father is listed as Benjamin Drake as she was a minor.
On the 1820 census Barnet's father, Nicholas, is listed in Union Twp., Warren, Oh near a B. Drake in Union but there is another B. DRAKE in Deerfield Twp.. In 1830 Barnet and Ann are listed near Benjamin and Benjamin D. DRAKE, all of them in Deerfield Twp.
1840 has the Benjamins gone from Warren county but a Benjamin and Benjamin Jr are in Green Twp, Clinton, Oh and The RYNEARSONs in Bulter Twp, Darke, Oh.
1850 has only one Benjamin DRAKE in Clinton county and he lists NJ as his place of birth. 1880 lists his parents as being both born in NJ, while Ann DRAKE-RYNEARSON has her parents place of birth as Eng and Ire. The Benjamin in Clinton county was born about 1802 and was married in 1829 to Levina COMPTON.

Does any of this sound like it ties in with anyone out there? Could Ann and Benjamin Jr be siblings?

By the way, the RYNEARSON family were from Somerset county, NJ and moved to Warren county, Oh in 1806.

Richard Roberts