Please feel free to add what you may think is a relevant FAQ on the Drake family. Email Roy Andrews with 1) Question, 2) Answer and 3) Source
What is the origin of the name Drake?
Answer thanks to Charles E Drake
OK. Then what is the origin of the surname Drake?
Answer thanks to Charles E Drake
Are all Drake families related?
Answer thanks to Charles E Drake
What is the Drake family motto, crest and arms?
Answer thanks to Erica Puopolo.
What is Drakes Drum?
Answer thanks to Terry Madsen
Whatever happened to the Drake Millions?
Answer: After the death of the 4th baronet Admiral Sir Francis Drakes' descendants in the male line were extinct, and the baronetcy came to an end. Over the years the "great estates" have dwindled, through successive inheritancesy death duties and taxation. Neither Buckland Abbey nor Nutwell Court, the two princpal Drake houses, now belong to the family. For a detailed answer . (Source : " The Drake family of Chuchstanton and Teignmouth" 1950 by Sophia Daphne Drake. P 57, 58)
What is the Drake Snuffbox?
Answer: They were believed to belong to the Admiral but the actual
truth of the matter is that these snuff boxes were made to commemorate the coming
of age of his collateral descendant, Sir Francis Drake, 4th baronet,
who died on 26th January, 1739-40, aged 47. The boxes have been
recognised as the work of a celebrated craftsman of the 18th century,
named John O'Brisset. For a detailed answer . (Source : " The Drake family of Chuchstanton and Teignmouth" 1950 by Sophia Daphne Drake. P 56 )
Did Francis Drake marry?
Answer: Yes. He was married twice, the first time on 4th July 1569 to Mary Newman, who died in 1582-3. He married again to Elizabeth Sydenham, d of Sir Geo Sydenham. He did not have children with either of his wives. (Source : " The Visitations of the County of Devon. P 299 )