From: Charles Drake Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:24 PM In order to answer this question, one must trace each family backto a time before surnames were hereditary, or before the surname Drake stuck in the particular family. The Drakes of Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and Devon derived their name from the manor of Drakenage in the parish of Kingsbury, Warwickshire, with which they were associated in the 12th Century. Contrary to popular opinion, the Drakes in Devon did not get their namefrom "Drago the Saxon." In the Domesday Book for Devon there is a Drogo, not a Drago, but Drogo is the old form of the name Drew. Furthermore, it appears in Domesday as a forename, not a surname. Drogo held land in Honiton, but the Drakes did not own land in that parish until centuries later. It is thought that some Drakes in Yorkshire derived their name fromthe "draege" or "drege," a place where boats were portaged. Some of the Yorkshire Drakes may have obtained their name from the Priory of Drax in the area. The origin of the name in Essex and Norfolk is unknown to this writer. Other Drakes may have derived their name from "drake" for male duck,and some from "drake" as a variant of dragon. Whether this was originally a nickname or a name based on a place, such as a location associated with dragon stories, like Drakenage, is not always known. References: Anthony Richard Wagner, Drake in England; Charles E. Drake, "The Origins of the Drakes of Devon", Genealogists' Magazine, June 2001. |