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Sir Francis Drake related websites index
If you would like add any Sir Francis Drake links to this list - please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - drake@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your link will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD. Add your genealogy ( and non ) links to the FREE FOR ALL LINKS DIRECTORY
German: Englischer Seefahrer, Vizeadmiral, Korsar und zweiter Weltumsegler nach Ferdinand Magellan. Somit der erste, der die Weltumsegelung überlebte.
Drake - The Man and the Mystery URL MISSING - webpage used from cache without permission |
by Laura Lee Newman. Reprinted with permission from the Bodega Bay Navigator
Five years after Sir Francis Drake completed his circumnavigation of the globe (1577-1580), he was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth to lead a fleet of twenty-five ships against the Spanish settlements in the Caribbean. On this punitive expedition, he attacked and plundered Cartagena in Colombia, San Domingo on the island of Hispaniola, and St. Augustine in Florida.
- Authored/published by Brian T. Kelleher, P.O. Box 850, Cupertino, California, 95014 Copyright 1997
Drake took his Drum with him all around the world. That was why its beat could be heard all round the world today-in every land where Briton joined Briton to defeat the present menace of darkness and evil; in every distant station where the two or three were gathered together in common danger and in common hope. Excerpts from articles written in 1919, 1937, and 1940; plus Drakes Drum Photograph.
English 16th Century sea history; Lord Howard of Effingham, Sir Richard Grenville, Drake and the Armada. |
This page picks up details of the parts played by the Revenge,
by Lord Howard of Effingham and by Sir Richard Grenville in the Elizabethan campaigns of sea expansion that culminated in the Armada, as recounted in the excellent and most readable Sir Francis Drake by George Malcolm THOMPSON (Book Club Associates 1972).
How I Discovered America URL MISSING - webpage used from cache |
- Ken Hope's Home on a Page. Covers the years 1537 - 1578; fair bit on the Admiral.
- The world's best Drake resource.
A unique project by Michael Turner B. Ed (Hons) Explorer, Author, Speaker
- Part 1: Kathryn Gillett takes a look at London, seeking out places and faces to transport her, and you, back to Elizabethan England.
Sir Francis Drake, navigator and privateer, is one of the greatest English sea-captains of all time.
Longcamp.com's Francis Drake Annex BRILLIANT SITE |
Introduction to determination of latitude by Francis Drake on the coast of California in 1579
Longcamp.com's Francis Drake Annex BRILLIANT SITE |
Full Article - Determination of latitude by Francis Drake on the coast of California in 1579 - Copyright © January 1999 by Bob Graham
Sir Francis Drake - Pirat der Königin - von Oliver H. Herde GERMAN WEBSITE |
Drakes Herkunft - Francis Drake wurde zwischen 1540 und 1543(1) in Crowndale bei Plymouth als Sohn eines Pächters in Devonshire geboren. Er verdingte sich zunächst als Werftarbeiter, dann als Matrose.
Sir Francis Drake, l'Aigle des mers FRENCH WEBSITE |
Pour Sir Francis Drake, l'aigle des mers (n°664 à 690), il travaille avec le dessinateur Jacques Devaux.
Nova Albion Research: Copyright 1996-99 by Oliver Seeler |
These pages are focused on Sir Francis Drake, and in particular on his "Famous Voyage" - the circumnavigation of the world in the sixteenth century, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
The Spanish feared him so much that they called him "El Draque", or "The Dragon". For the sake of brevity, this account of Drake's exploits will principally be limited to his attack on the silver train in 1573.
© 1997, Tzouanakis Elementary School Greencastle, IN, USA. - URL MISSING - webpage used from cache |
Sir Francis Drake's date of birth is unknown, however he was born near Tavistock, Devonshire, in England.
- Part 3: Kathryn Gillett brings her exciting trilogy to a close, searching for Sir Francis in Southern England and then his homeland of Devon and Cornwall.
Sir Francis Drake x Two URL MISSING - webpage used from cache without permission |
Sir Francis Drake, Plymouth's most famous privateer, was born in Crowndale in approximately 1540-42. He was 5' 2 tall, had blue eyes, blonde hair, and wore a beard. His father Edmund and mother had 12 sones of which Francis was the eldest.
- by Francis Pretty, one of Drake's Gentlemen at arms. Voyages and travels : ancient and modern, with introductions, notes and illustrations. New York : P. F. Collier and son, [c1910] The Harvard classics, ed. by C. W. Ellot [vol. XXXIII].
Sir Frances Drake (1545-96) was the first Englishman to sail around the world and took a leading part in defeating the Great Armada sent by Spain to invade England. He made three profitable voyages to the New World, plundering Spanish settlements and destroying Spanish ships.
- Part 2: Kathryn Gillett moves west to explore the Cotswolds. Perhaps this landscape trapped in time can help her find England's great Elizabethan sailor.
- At this time, when the name of Sir Francis Drake has been so prominently before the public, some gleanings relative to him not generally known may be acceptable.
- Aims of the Society; To perpetuate the memory of Sir Francis Drake through constant archival research; the study of the published primary and secondary sources; global field work; lectures and publications.
- Francis Drake set sail from Plymouth on the evening of the 15th November 1577. His small fleet consisted of his flag ship, The Pelican, (Later re-named the Golden Hinde) the Elizabeth, the Marigold, the fly boat Swan and a pinnace Christopher. The men that went with him totaled 164 of which only 59 returned.
- Queen Elizabeth 1s speech against the Spanish Armada
The Times: 19th August, 1588. Price; 1p. " English defeat Spanish"
Reported by LEE.J.RYAN Year 8
The poem is dedicated to Sir Francis' companion - in - arms, Sir Richard Drake, born at Ashe House, Musbury, Devon. - A History of the Drake Family of Churchstanton,Teignmouth and Australia, - by Sophia Daphne Drake. Special Australian Edition,1950, privately published .