A Lipsey Lineage - The Gleasons at our site trace their lineage to Thomas Gleason of Sulgrave, Northampton, England. Drakes under "Surname Index".
Allen & Rita Drake Genealogy Home Page - El Paso, Illinois. Our interests are in Ireland, England, Germany, and the states of Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, the Virginia's, and the east coast between South Carolina and New Hampshire.
Ancestors of Garry Lee Pribble - Welcome to my web site! Many hours of work have been put into the research and documentation of these ancestors. - Drake under "Surname Index"
Ancestry of Sandy Drake - website owned by Sandy Drake. Welcome to my web site! Many hours of work have been put into the research and documentation of these ancestors. I hope you will benefit from the information I present here.
Armstrong/Johnson Family Home Page FTM We are trying to research the Drake line of our family. currently have back to Henry A. Drake b. abt 1842 in Stoughton, MA m. Lucretia E. Darling on May 30, 1869. The Henry Drake apparently was a grocer in Stoughton. His fathers name was also Henry, but we do not have a birth date or location for him. KLA30@AOL.com
Ashley Pollettes Family Links - Link to a very detailed database of Francis Bryant Drake - Washington and Emanuel Counties, plus other usual links. URL dead
Baerfacts - Wonderful site run by Barbara Leland.Hobbies are Gardening,Fishing,Computers and Genealogy. DRAKES
Belchers of Easton, Massachusetts - Two Drake sisters: Caroline and Harriet, daughters of Lincoln Drake married two Belcher brothers Daniel and George c. 1835-1845 in Easton, MA.
Benjamin Family & The Standish Family Home Page FTM Researching the following surnames; Benjamin, Best, Heston, Parsons, Coulter, Bingham (Bingman), King, Haan, Cope, Hoopes, Drake & McNally so far. Ohio, Penns. & England. wstandi1@elp.rr.com
BETWIL's Home Page Owners: Stuart & Beth Williamson, in the country near Huntsville, Texas [Walker County]. NELLIE EMILY PUTNAM 1865 - 1947 and SAMUEL PALMER DRAKE 1859 - 1943 lineage on this page.
C J's Family Connections - Carolyn Settle is the owner of this website
dedicated to the Armstead/Davis /Drake family and has useful links.
Capt. or Col. JOHN HOLDER of Culpeper Co., VA companion of Daniel Boone PIONEER land speculator 17 mentions of the Drake surname on this webpage URL dead
Daniel DUCKY Drake
- the master website for Daniel DUCKY Drake featuring extensive research on the descendants of Capt. Francis Drake & Rev. John Drake – with primary emphasis on the line descending from Ebenezer Drake & Anne Dunn. It is an ongoing Collective research project featuring contributions from Drake’s across the USA & Canada.
Dawn's Genealogy Home Page - Welcome All Ye Researchers. Dedicated webpage on Thomas and Rachel Drake plus links to Dawn's Ancestors, good genealogical sites on the Web and Surnames.
Descendants of James Madison DRAKE - My line of DRAKEs came from North Carolina to Virginia and then on into Tennessee. After moving from Blount County, Charles Caulk DRAKE moved to Sevier Co.,TN, then back to Blount Co. When he died, he was buried with his first wife Rachel BAKER at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Sevier Co.,TN. Elmer Hood DRAKE, Charles' son, moved from Blount Co.,TN. to Knoxville, Knox Co.,TN.
website dead
Descending from John and Clarisa Drake - This is just the beginning of my search for my father's side of the family. A great deal of credit goes to my cousin, Bev Lowe Klos (daughter of Harold and Irma Snyder Lowe) for the work she has done in accumulating the facts listed here.The Drake Family - Beginning in Dutchess County, New York - Beatrice McManus URL missing.
Doug Jones website. "The website has my line back to Richard Drake b 1610, and pieces of other lines not connected to mine that I was researching when looking for mine". Hundreds of other surnames in GED2WWW format as well.
website dead
Dove-Lion Genealogy
Fourth Great Grandfather Archibald Drake, born 9 or 10 January 1776 in Virginia, was married about 1804 in Virginia to Rhoda Lacy, born 1783 in Virginia. They had eighteen children born in what is now Vinton County, Ohio*, between 1804 and 1842. A massive Genealogy dedicated website.WOW!!!!
website offline
Drake Documents - this is an online site which is
used by Drake researchers (those interested in finding out more details about Drake ancestors). It includes several large documents. There are two things that you will need to access the documents;
* A free membership/account with MSN – such as a net passport, hotmail account, etc,.* Have Acrobat Reader (or similar program) installed –so that you can read the PDF formatted documents. There is a link on the front page for a free download. Facilitated by Daniel DUCKY Drake, this site allows for the collaborative effort/exchange of Drake data/information/sources. As of August 2004, we have started the use of our CHAT LINE. Currently, we have over +120 pages of documents.
Drake family genealogy worldwide - hosting the Drake Family Genealogy World Wide - Drake families from Churchstanton and Teignmouth, Devon,UK - large databases on UK and USA Drake lineages.
Drake of Drakenage - A Genealogical and Heraldric Memorial of the Ancient Gentle Family of Drake of Drakenage. With Branches in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Ireland, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Kent, Surrey, and London. © All original material on this site is copyright Charles E. F. Drake 2003.
Drakes and Wages of Ohio - great webpage dedicated to Samuel Drake who married Catharine Sharp 1819 in New Jersey. Home page is a genealogical wealth of information.
Drake / McQueeney Family
- Drake / McQueeney Family Home Page. Researching information on the Drake's who came to Minnesota from Denmark in the late 1800's.
EASTON ANCESTOR'S Of English Decent. Randy Easton's Website . Randy's surnames: Easton, Drake, Dexter, Allington, Muhlitner, Weir-Witzling-Weiher, plus other Eastman links.Drake lineage starts with Nicholas Drake born about 1252 in Great Waltham,Essex Co, England.
Epperson Genealogy - My name is Jimmy Epperson and my sisters and I are looking for any information about our ancestors that anyone may have. We currently have over two hundred names and we are trying to organize it to present here. We are especially interested in the Epperson lineage, and then Butler, Drake and Chapel, but would like to have anything that we can get.
Family Genealogy - DRAKE FAMILY. 1.James Madison DRAKE b.about 1809 NC. d.? TN? *Jane Susannah CHILDRESS b.about1809 VA. d.?TN. Dead URL
Four Family Trees - The Petznick, Pine, McKee & Gittins Families Home Page - For many years, I have been in possession of six very old letters that have been handed down on the Pine side of the family. Their dates ranging from 1791 to 1827. Most of these documents center around a gentleman by the name of Zephaniah Drake. To date, I have been unable to establish a blood link to the Drake name. One possibility may be through the VanTuyl name. Archibald Pine (my great-grandfather) was married to Annie V. Hallock. Her father was Daniel VanTuyl Hallock. Daniel's mother's name was Julia Van Tuyl. It is known that a Phoebe Drake was married to Alfred Van Tuyl. Perhaps that's where the connection come in?
Tom Petznick
Francis Marion Drake -Born 1830, son of John Adams and Harriet J. (Oneal) Drake, grandson of Benjamin and Celia (Thayer) Drake, of Nash county, N. C., and great-grandson of James Drake, of Virginia.
GENEALOGY GARDEN - Margaret Driskill is the owner of this nicely laid out site. Surnames include: Roberts, Drake, Myer, Freeman, Ball and Sams
website offline
Genealogy & History of Our Ancestors - by Daniel & Deborah Hall- Malec. 1974- 1998 Research Project and some great links.
Genealogy in Bloom Twp., Fairfield County, Ohio. This township, established in 1805, is known as township 14 of Range 20 and is banked by Violet township on the north, Greenfield township on the east, Amanda township on the south, and Franklin Co., Ohio on the west. Drake index also on the website
Higley-Filer - Drake surname appears 9 times, (use your browser to search the page).
Higgens/Drake/Fuller/Bright Families Home Page - Looking for any information on the HIGGENS family from Kent, England and Westmeath, Ireland; DRAKE family from England and Prince Edward Island; William FULLER and Julia SCHOONOVER families from Ohio and Indiana; and BRECHT/BRIGHT families from Germany, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana
Jack Drakes Home Page - great Drake lineage from Benjamin Drake in 1729 to the present day. Jacks life history and Military Service also make great reading.
Jill Saward's Home Page - A website dedicated to a new member: "The Drake family made a sensational signing this week with the arrival of Fergus Elliott George to Team Drake."
Joel Norman Swink Home Page - I am researching the ancestry of my four grandparents. They are listed as follows:
Arthur D Swink b. 2 Jan. 1904 in Weableau Prairie, MO. Mildred Frances Drake b. 22 Feb. 1908 in South Dakota. Ernest Welch Fisk b. 27 Jan. 1900 in Prosser, WA. Neva Madge Rothrock b. 10 Mar. 1905 in Ada, OH.
Karen Crawfords website - Drake, McDonald, McNeal and Marshall are some of the surnames that Karen is researching.DEAD URL
Kyle Heydon's Genealogy Website - a great Drake page and lots of information and links - other Surnames that Kyle is researching; Heydon,Gillespie,Warnock and McLaren.
Larry Drake's Website - John Drake was born Abt. 1490, and died 1566. He married MARGERY COLE. Homepage with over 1500 searchable names. See also: lineage.
Lester & Shelia Lee's Genealogy Pages We hope that you enjoy Genealogy as much as we do. We have been working on it for several years. I started more than 25 years ago. Shelia started about 7 years ago working on her family. We enjoy traveling to different states to find out more about our ancestors and meet long lost relatives. Joseph Drake lineage.
MALEC Family Homepage - GENEALOGY SECTION - Lots of Charts! - Our Ancestor's Photo Album - Pictures & Images of Original Documents! - Genealogy Links - Recipes.Drake Family Genealogy - Descendants of John * (Sir) Drake. Owner is Debbie malec.
Marston manor - My grandmother MARSTON was a DRAKE who was born, raised and married in Hampton. Her paternal ancestor, Robert DRAKE, came to Hampton by way of Exeter in about 1651. He was born in Halstead of County Essex, England.
Melissa V. Tyson's Website - a wonderful website which is very different, Joseph Lawrence Drake is Melissa's grandfather and there is quite a lot of information on this Drake family.
Mika Jackson - Hamby website - Surnames: Berry, Drake, Jackson, Johnson, Johnston, Lester, Magee, McGee, Spencer, Wallace and Watts. I have the Ochiltree county, Texas history books; "Wheatheart of the Plains - An early history of Ochiltree county & Wheatheart of the Plains - History Marches On." If you are researching that area I will be glad to do lookups for you.
McKane & Lyons Genealogical Database. Various Drakes listed on James website. For further information, contact: James A. McKane URL dead
My Family Tree by Merla Sears Van Norman - Welcome to my family tree. Included on these pages are lineages of my ancestors. I have included links to some of my favorite Genealogy sites, along with links to help you search many of the surnames here. Feel free to post a message for your missing info on my NEW message board. Drake Line has been traced back to Nicholas Drake born between 1251/1280 in Great Waltham, Essex, England.
Noted DRAKE Relations -
Candidates (unproven)
DRAKE, Francis Samuel [1828-1885]
American historian, author of Dictionary of American Biography (1872)
DRAKE, Jimmy [1912-1968]
American singer - a/k/a "Nervous Norvus", "Singing Jimmy Drake"
DRAKE, Samuel Adams [1833-1905]
American newsman and soldier
DRAKE, Samuel Gardiner [1798-1875]
American historian, antiquarian, bookseller, publisher
Our Family Tree Website - Lavonne Drake. (married Leonard Rodney Griffin). Any information on this family member would be greatly appreciated. URL dead
Our Genealogy History - Greetings from Omaha! My name is Robin Evert and until a few months ago I couldn't tell you the names of my great grandparents. My father has always told me stories that "we" were horse thieves exiled from Ireland to America. Drake lineage under " Our Family Surnames ".
PETER MILLS: A Colonial Connection - The Mills family
has many New England connections. Our family tree began growing here in the 16th century with the early puritan settlers, long before the arrival of PIETER WOUTERSE VANDER MEULEN. Family Photos and Related Links. From this point the family expands to include names as, DRAKE - with connnections to Sir Francis Drake. Website owner is Joy A. Fullerton
Russell G. Drake Family Web Page - This research and family trees originate from Robert Drake, who moved his family from Virginia by wagon to Muskingum and Licking County, Ohio. The family moved to Green County, Wisconson Abt. 1840. Abt. 1900 the Drakes moved to Antelope County, Nebraska. In 1936, my Grandfather Otha, moved the family including my Dad Kenneth O. to the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Some History and Families of Center District Giler Co, WV. - Some descendants of James Kennedy (1775-1845) of Ireland and Harrison Co., (W) VA, and Zurah VanHorn (1775-aft.1845) of Harrison Co., (W) VA, and related families. Other major surnames: Beall, Dennison, Drake, James, Pickens, Ross, Stalnaker, Swisher. Drake in the Kennedy Room.
Sonoma Drakes Family Home Page
- Our families both come the Minnesota area. So there are Thompson and Drake names in this tree. Also there are Tennants from the Montanas and Knowltons from California.I have gone back as far as the late 1800's.If anyone from the families has any information about these people I would appreciate help. Christine Thompson-Drake.
THE DRAKE LETTERS Candee Lebrun's Website - A brief explanation on my transcription is appropriate here. Many of the letters are so faded as to be illegible in part. In cases where there was a single letter missing I put the letter I believed it to be in brackets. If it was an entire word, I used brackets.
The history of Wyandot County Ohio - a history of the county; its township, towns, churches; schools, etc.; general and local statistics; military record; portraits of early settlers and prominent men; history of the northwest territory; history of ohio; MANY DRAKES MENTIONED - (TRY THE NEW SEARCH ENGINE)
Tom Drake's Homepage - I’m still researching my family, the Drakes of Drakerath in Co. Meath in Ireland and would welcome comments from anyone who has any knowledge of them. See my Genealogy page for further details.
Although not descended from the great Elizabethan Admiral, Sir Francis Drake, (as indeed nobody is as he died childless!), you can find photographs associated with him and of his distant relatives, the Drakes of Ashe, on my photo pages.
Tristan Williams Website - 10 Drake Individuals; Nicholas le, Robert le, William, Edmund, Thomas, Isabel (1579-1639) + John Bland.
Victoria Hobbs Website - DRAKE
Family Genealogy of S.W. Missouri, N.E. Oklahoma, Indian Territory Oklahoma
& N.W. Arkansas Related Families of McDonald County, Delaware County,
& Benton County .Victoria has a Bulletin Board Room to Leave Messages,
a Chat Room to go in and meet and exchange information with each other.
Look at the Hello Operator Page, if you need help finding people.
Welcome to… www.TheDRAKEFAMILY.co.uk - Believe it or not this site is about the Drake family! It is a personal site giving you an insight in to my family here in England, our likes, interests and some of the things we get up to.
Check out my FAMILY TREE at the fantastic 'Tribal Pages'...
Welcome to DRAKEGENES I'm Barb Marshall and I'd like to welcome you to my little corner of the net. "Searching for DRAKES, any time, any where."
Welcome to my Genealogy Page - Elaine Clows website. Database on Richard Drake, d Chedar, Somerset, England m Christian Fawcett, dau of Robert Fawcett, from Abby Isle, Somerset. Surname lists, Genealogy Links and family Pedigree Charts. Dead URL
Whats in a Surname
- Felicia Hazeltons Website - Felicia's Ancestors and a lot of great links.
William Sterling Pitt Family Home Page - We welcome inquiries and have many old photos and documents on hand. Please check out our family book by clicking on it for more names and information. Joshua Hathaway DRAKE of Tioga Co., NY, wedded to Charlotte GIBBS of Norwalk, CT. Suzanne Senn Pitt