Drake family enquiries database A - C
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Drake family enquiries database A - C
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If you would like to add any material that is related to the Drake family to this list, please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - drake@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your entries will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD.

Clayton Henry Drake
I thought it was about time that I put my q uestion about my Drakes into the place where it may be answered!!!! I only know basics the family didn't want to talk about it. I am looking for CLAYTON HENRY DRAKE son of Reubin Drake and Lou Wilson. He was b: 1888 and d: June 1938 in LaVeta, Huerfano Co., Colorado; He was a farmer and laborer, suppossedly died of TB. He married Edna Beatrice DAVES b: Oct 1899 on OK, M: about 1916 D: August 1990. Her parents were Jon Arthur Daves and Elizabeth Alice Mackey who was a full-blood Cheerokee.

Clayton and Edna had 5 children starting in 1928:
Charles Henry
Beatrice Wilma
b: 1937
Here's the part they don't talk about.
After her husbands death Edna married a 2nd time to a man named Leo Conner Whittacker and had 3 children with him:

Then the bad times came and she could no longer that take of her big family, so she in essence gave the youngest two away. I am not making judgments here I am only telling the story like it was.
I am just now looking through my info again and I have written down that Clayton Henry Drake is the son of Sylvester and Louisa Drake. Go figure......
Mary Drake