Drake family related Surnames Databases
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Drake family related Surnames Databases
If you would like to add any surnames that are related to the Drake family to this list, please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - drake@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your entries will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD.
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From: Roger MEYRICK
Subject: Drake-Southey-Bray
Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 1:00 AM

It is sometime since we exchanged information!! I have a roundabout question if you can help.
A friend of mine who is researching Mrs Anna Eliza BRAY (1795-1889) the authoress who lived in Tavistock ,has come across some letters signed we believe by Caroline Southey, the second wife of Robert Southey the poet laureate. They are headed as from Buckland, the date would seem to be about 1840 just before Southey died.
Question. Do you know of any connection betwen the Drake family and a.Robert Southey and/or b. Anna Eliza Bray?
