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Drake family related Surnames Databases
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Gist - Drake
Date: Friday, 13 August 1999 7:56

Hi listers, I am yet another new member to this list, I would like to find out if there are any descendants of my gg grandfather Roger Gist Born 1816 at Llandulph Cornwall and his wife Anna (nee Kays) my gg grandmother Born 1814 at Plymouth Devonshire still living in Devon as I would like to make contact with them.

The following was found on the 1851 Census Index for Devon UK:

1881/296/1 Stoke Damerel 2 Mount Street
GIST Roger head mar 35 cordwainer Cargreen
Anna wife mar 37 Plymouth (nee Kays)
Lydia dau unm 8 scholar Devonport Born 1843
John son unm 6 scholar Morrow Town Born 1845
Sushanna dau unm 4 Morrow Town Born 1847
Mary dau unm 1 Morrow Town Born 1850 (came to Australia in 1871)
Ellen dau unm 6m Morrow Town Born 1851
LOBB Mary sisL unm 11 Devonport

Census 1877? Roger Gist Widower age 61 (cordwainer) Dwelling, 1 Hobart Street East Stonehouse Devon England
Source: FHL Film 1341531 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2205 Folio 52 Page 37

John Drake/ Wife/ Joiner/ Married/ 29 yrs/ Male/ Birthplace Plymouth Devonport Devon England
Emma Drake/ Wife/ Married/ 30 yrs/ Female/ Birthplace Plymouth Devon England
Ada Drake/ Dau/ Scholar/ 4 yrs/Female/ Birthplace Stonehouse Devon England
Nora Drake/ Dau/ 2 yrs/ Female/ Birthplace Stonehouse Devon England
Wm J Drake/ Son/ 1 yr/ Male/ Birthplace Stonehouse Devon England
Roger Gist/ Widower/ 61 yrs/ Male/ Birthplace Llandulph Cornwall England/
it appears Roger was living with the Drakes. I think Roger may be related to the Drakes, maybe one of his children married a Drake
I also have a reference to the following Gists who could also be related to Roger Gist
John S Gist/ Married/ 36 yrs/ Male/ Birthplace Plymouth Devon England
Mary E Gist/ Married/ 32 yrs/ Female/ Birthplace Plymouth England
I do not know what year of this info

I checked the phone directory for the UK and found 19 Gist's and Drake's for Devon.

Would be very thankful for any help.

Kevin Slattery Brisbane Qld Australia