Drake family related Surnames Databases
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Drake family related Surnames Databases
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Munsell - Drake
Date: Thursday, 3 June 1999 7:56

Sir Charles Drake, born GB, no further info was father to Elnora Drake - no B or D info. She married twice: first to Jonathan Munsell (1791/1794-1883). They had Helen, Marion, Lucia, Levi, Charles, and Frank probably in the 1820's, 1830's, 1840's. Second she married Levi Button (1776-1814) - no children listed.

Eunice Drake - no BMD info married Isaac Hayden - no BMD info. They had Eunice (1754-1843). She married Alpheus A Munsell 1783. I may have children for them but forgot to check.

Hannah Drake (Noah Drake, Hannah Skinner) (1745-1831) married Zaccheus Munsell (1745-Abt 1790). They had Hannah, Zaccheus, Susannah, Levi, Agnes and Submit between 1769 and 1780.

Lydia Drake - no BMD info married Joseph Loomis (1649-1715). They had Phebe Loomis (1697-After 1733). She married Jacob Munsell in 1718.

If you have further info on any of these folks, it would be welcome.

William W Munsil PS - These are all USA (or before that, New England).