Drake List Roll Call
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Drake List Roll Call Index
Welcome to the 2005 DRAKE ROLL CALL (Version 2.6)!

The ROLL CALL is a tool designed to help those interested in researching Drake Family ancestry and genealogy.

The ROLL CALL currently has four parts which can help in the following areas;

  • Lists those who are actively engaged/interested in Drake Research.
  • Identifies their earliest known Drake relative that they have been able to verify; often with personal vita (birth, marriage, death, locales).
  • Describes the current areas/challenges they are facing in their respective Drake Family Research.
  • Allows us to see the various Drake Family Lines/patterns/connections using the DRAKE DNA Studies/Project as dynamic & growing database.

Each time The DRAKE ROLL CALL is conducted, our ability to understand and locate further additional information on our Drake ancestors is enhanced.

Please join us & participate in our next DRAKE ROLL CALL - as we continue with this great DRAKE Adventure!
Daniel "Ducky" Drake
- Version 2.6.pdf
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- Version 2.6.Word Document
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- Version 2.6.Zip File
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