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John Henry Drake 24 Jan 1873
Effingham or Tamworth, NH
From. Constance L. Frazier
Saturday, 5 June 2004 10:10 AM

Death: 27 Jan 1929 Wolfeboro, NH2,1

Burial: 30 Jan 1929 Pine Hill Cemetery, Wolfeboro, NH1

Occupation: Agriculture, Shoemaker

Father: George F. DRAKE (1848-1910)

Mother: Mary Anne Estelle DAVIS (1851-1926)

Marriage: 15 May 1894 Keene, NH3



Elbina Revena SHATTUCK

Spouse: Elbina Revena SHATTUCK


Birth: 24 Jul 1875 Proctorsville, VT2,4

Death: 12 Jun 1940 Huggins Hospital, Wolfeboro, NH2,4

Burial: 16 Jun 1940 Pine Hill Cemetery, Wolfeboro, NH4,5

Occupation: Homemaker

Father: Joseph Francis SHATTUCK

Mother: Xilda TATRO




1 M: Eldred Elroy MOORE

Birth: 30 Aug 1895 Wolfeboro, NH6

Death: 31 Mar 1967 Wolfeboro, NH

Spouse: Adaline CURTIS


2 M: Noyes Venett MOORE7 (Heart/Stroke)

Birth: 1 Feb 1897 Keene, NH8,5

Death: 19 Sep 1970 Huggins Hosp., Wolfeboro, NH9,10,5

Burial: 22 Sep 1970 Lake View Cemetery, Wolfeboro, NH9,10

Education: 8th Grade11

Spouse: Evangeline Eleanor Vaughn MOORE

Spouse: Ethelda Churchell JEWETT


3 M: Linley Leon MOORE

Birth: 15 Sep 1900 Wolfeboro, NH2

Death: 1 Jan 1971 Wolfeboro, NH2

Burial: Pine Hill Cemetery, Wolfeboro, NH

Spouse: Ruth A. PERRY


4 M: Charles Henry MOORE (Died as Child)

Birth: 3 Apr 1908 Wolfeboro, NH2

Death: 13 Sep 1914 Wolfeboro, NH2

Burial: Pine Hill Cemetery, Wolfeboro, NH5


Notes for Henry John MOORE

A petition for legal adoption by Stepfather Charles P. Moore was filed on 20 June 1893 in Carroll County, NH and granted by the Probate Court in Ossipee. At that time his name was legally changed to Henry John Moore from John Henry Drake. This event was recorded in the CourtÕs July Term 1893.

George F. Drake's will reads Ò...now adopted and called Moore...Ó 12Since the adoption took place when Henry was nearly of legal age, it could be concluded that it was undertaken for emotional reasons, perhaps to legalize a loving relationship between Henry and his stepfather, Charles P. Moore. This adoption is the reason that the subsequent generations have the surname Moore, instead of HenryÕs birth name, Drake. Charles P. Moore was Harrison Willard Moore's brother, thus Evangeline married her UncleÕs grandson by adoption, making she and Noyes cousins legally, but not by blood.


An issue of the Granite State dated 13 Apr 1915 reads as follows: ÒHenry Moore of Pleasant Valley, who has been sick with pneumonia, is now attending to his duties at the shoe shop. Glad to see you, ÔMajorÕ.Ó Henry died, at the young age 56, of the same condition .


The Drake Family in NH; VR;13


Notes for Elbina Revena SHATTUCK

Elbina and Henry met when they were born employed at a shoe factory in Keene, NH, where her parents lived. They moved to Pleasant Valley after his parents purchased a farm there, working in the shoe factory during the winter months and farming in the spring and summer. She was the first Vice President of the American Legion Auxillary, of which she was an active member until her death. She was a member of the Rebekahs for years.

Burial: Pine Hill Cemtery


About 6 months before her death she entered the hospital in Wolfeboro to have abdominal adhesions removed. An abcess burst and was drained. She entered the hospital again in June 1940 and had other adhesions and her appendix removed. Her progress was fine until about 4 days after the operation when clots developed and logged in her left leg and in her lungs. At this same time she suffered from a postoperative perforation of the ileum, resulting in peritonitus. Her death certificate lists general peritonitus, as a result of the perforated ileum. It also lists essential hypertension.


Medical Notes for Eldred Elroy (Child 1)

DIed from Alcoholism.


Medical Notes for Noyes Venett (Child 2)

Noyes was hospitalized many times for headaches, fainting and other neurological symptoms resulting from his military service in France during WW1. At the time of diagnosis, it was called Shell Shock, but he was gassed with mustard gas as part of his military duty in Europe, which could have been partly or wholy responsible for the protracted illnesses he suffered after that experience. He was being seen for the condition as late as the 40Õs, when the government finally gave him 75% partial disability for his condition. He died as a result of massive myocardial infaction sustained during annual family climb up Mt Chocorua, NH 1970.

Misc. Notes

He was born with the name Noyes Shattuck Moore, but believed his name to be Noyes Venett. His military records list him as Noyes Venett. His name change to Venett is on file with the Carroll County Court in Ossippee, NH and came about when he wanted to become a Notary Public and needed a copy of his birth certificate. Noyes was a selectman of Wolfeboro is his later years and a well respected member of the community. He ran Pleasant Valley Stock Farm and Moore Brothers Dairy with his brothers and pursued agriculture his entire life. His wife once remarked that some people were up early and in the fields because they had to be, but that Noyes was up early and in the fields because he truly loved farming.

Noyes enlisted in the USMC 20 June 1917 and served until 13 August 1919. He received the Silver Star for gallantry on 6 June 1918, the Purple Heart for being gassed in action against the enemy on 14 June 1918 in Belleux Woods, France, the Good Conduct Medal for service from 20 June 1917 to 13 August 1919, the Victory Medal, World War I with Aisne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Defensive-sector clasps, the Army of Occupation of Germany Medal, the French Croix de Guerre and the Rifle Sharpshooter Badge.


Medical Notes for Linley Leon (Child 3)

Hit by car 24 December 1970 and died of injuries.

Misc. Notes

Burial: Pine Hill Cemetery


Medical Notes for Charles Henry (Child 4)

Little Charlie was killed at 6 and a half years, when an upended dump cart fell on him, throwing him to the ground, crushing his occipital and parietal regions of his skull. Death occured in only a matter of minutes.14

Misc. Notes

Killed when his skull was fractured by the dump cart.



1. Death RecordÑ Bureau of Vital Records Genealogy Room, Concord, NH Deaths 1901-1937 Researched November 1994; Vital Statistics for 1929, Annual Town Reports for Wolfeboro, NH Town Deaths, page 53

2. Fipphen, John S., Cemetery Inscriptions, Wolfeboro, NH, Bowie, MD: Heritage Books 1993, 120 (Pine Hill Cemetery).

3. Certificate of Marriage; State of NH Bureau of Vital Records

4. Certificate of Death; State of NH

5. Fipphen, John S., Cemetery Inscriptions, Wolfeboro, NH, Bowie, MD: Heritage Books 1993, 60 (plot 104 Lakeview Cemetery).

6. Vital Statistics for 1895, Annual Town Report for Wolfeboro, NH Town Births

7. Name Change Document Court of Probate for Carroll County, Ossipee Docket #

Researched November 1994

8. Birth Certificate: NH Bureau of Vital Records, 6 Hazen Dr. Concord, NH

9. Obituary in ÒManchester (NH) Union LeaderÓ on Tuesday, September 22, 1970.

10. ÒState of NH Department of Health & Welfare CERTIFICATE OF DEATH,Ó 9/19/1970, 70-5346, paper, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Hazen Drive, Concord, NH, November 1994.

11. Marilyn Moore Frazier

12. Thompson, Alice Smith, The Drake Family of New Hampshire, Concord: NHHS 1962, 148, Entry for Ira Drake, son of John Drake III; his wife Caroline Allard and their children, Personal Library of Constance L. Frazier.

13. Petition for legal adoption and Name Change: Carroll County Probate Court; Filed July Term 1893; Recorded Vol. 40, page 417; Adoption # 1448

14. ÒDeath Record for Charles Payne Moore,Ó Bureau of Vital Records Genealogy Room, Deaths 1901-1937 Concord, NH, Wolfeboro, Carroll Co., NH, Nov 1994.


Last Modified: 17 Feb 2004

Created: 4 Jun 2004


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Constance L. Frazier

3348 Dobbs Lane, California, KY 41007

859 635-4603 GenealogyJunky@aol.com