John Drake x Ann Dadley
George Drake x Adelaide Ann Klinkenspor
My gg-grandfather was George Drake, son of John Drake and Ann Dadley. Per George’s marriage certificate, he was born in Manchester, Lancashire, England. His age on this and other records place his birth between 1857-1863, but most records indicate a summer 1861 birth.
Also according to George’s marriage certificate, he was the son of John (surname unspecified, but presumably Drake) and Ann Dadley. As far as I can tell, John and Ann are not on any British census. However, the 1871 British census includes two John Drakes with an 8-10–year-old son named George. One of these Johns lives in Manchester, and each is married to an Elizabeth.
There are several 20ish-year-old George Drakes on the 1881 U.K. census, but only one born in Manchester. This George is a 21-year-old boarder in Windle, Lancashire (home of Arthur Drew), and is employed as a flint glass bottle maker.
On 7 Apr 1889, GG-Grandpa George (then employed as a pearl cutter) married Adelaide Ann Klinkenspor in Manhattan, New York co., New York. Nothing is known of his emigration. (Adelaide, by the way, was born about 1870 in the U.K., the eldest child of Heinrich “Henry” Klinkenspor and Selina King’s four ((or more?)) children, and emigrated to New York in the early 1870s. For more information on Adelaide and her family, please e-mail me.)
When George and Adelaide’s sons, George Henry and Francis, were born in 1893 and 1898, respectively, their birth certificates listed the elder George’s occupation as “Conductor.”
The only surviving census record of George & Adelaide’s family is from 1900, which contains so much contradictory information as to be little to no help at all. However, it does show that George was still alive at the turn of the century, whereas the 1910 census lists Adelaide as a widow (and still living in New York City). (Adelaide would remain a widow until her own death in 1951.)
There are five George Drakes in the New York City Death Index with death dates between 1900-1910. Of these five, only one was born within a decade of my George: George S. Drake, d. 12 April 1907 at the age of 45—which fits perfectly with a summer 1861 birth. Unfortunately, George S.’s death certificate identifies him as the son of Nathan Drake, a significant departure from my George’s father, John. As such, I do not believe this to be my gg-grandfather.
Finally, just for the record: George and Adelaide had four known children, as follows:
1. Selina, b. 20 Jun 1890 at 177 E 82nd St, Brooklyn; married 9 Sep 1911 John J. Partridge; she died 20 Aug 1962 in Dallas, Dallas co., Texas.
2. Adelaide, b.27 Feb 1892 at 177 E 82nd St, Brooklyn; married Mr. Degnan; died in New York City, New York co., NY 15 Sep 1973.
3. George Henry, b.16 Sep 1893 at 186 E 79th St, Brooklyn;
first marriage to Florence Loretta Fanning;
second marriage 15 Oct 1971 to Mary Lowe (née. Zeiser) in Ocean Grove, Ocean co., NJ;
George Henry died 29 Jul 1972 in Neptune, Ocean co., NJ.
4. Francis (“Frank”), born 29 Jul 1898 at 149 Portland Ave., Brooklyn. Frank was living with his mother on the 1920 census, but I can’t be sure where he went, after that. There is, however, a Francis Drake (29 Jul 1898–9 Aug 1954) buried in Long Island National Cemetery, Farmingdale, Suffolk co., New York. I’ll be obtaining the death certificate, but I’m guessing I’ve found Uncle Frank. (Either that, or a really big coincidence.)