Ellen Lutz
Date: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:48 PM
Obituary of Melvin Drake
Born December 20, 1805 in Easton, Bristol, Massachusetts or Vermont
Died February 21, 1880in Franklin, Southfield Township, Oakland Co.,
Another Pioneer Fallen
Deacon Melvin Drake, of Southfield, died suddenly at his late residence at
12 o'clock M. on Saturday last, Feb. 21, 1880, aged 74 years.
The deceased was a native of Vermont and emigrated to Michigan in 1830 and
settled in Southfield.
He embraced the christian faith when 21 years of age. He was also one of
the thirteen charter members of the First Presbyterian church of Southfield,
organized by Rev. Mr. Ruggles, at the house of Asa Fuller, on the 10th of
October, 1831.
Mr. Drake was a man of strong convictions and generous impulses. He was
ever regarded for his sterling integrity, and during his long residence in
Southfield, had held various local positions of honor and trust.
He was buried from the Wing Lake church, on Monday last, Rev. Thomas
Middlemas, of Birmingham, officiating, and his remains deposited in the
Southfield cemetery.
Thus another oak has fallen. He of strong nerve and heart, who had taken
the foreground and opened up the way for the coming generations to follow,
has finished his alotted work. Tender and loving hands have laid his mortal
remains away from view, but in memory's hall he will everhold a conspicuous
place, as one not having lived in vain.
We heartily sympathize with the family in their great loss. We had known
the deceased many years and regarded him among our truest and warmest
Information on Melvin Drake and the Drake home in Franklin, Michigan area:
Records show that he and his brother Walter came to Oakland County, Michigan
on October 11, 1830 from Vermont.
The Drake home and farm were landmarks in Oakland county. On Sunday, June
27, 1939, the Detroit Free Press ran a photo of the site. The photo was
labeled "Crossroads. The beauty of the commonplace. G. Lionel Willens, Detroit." The intersection is at Franklin Road and 13 Mile Road.
The signpost in the photogragh read:
Franklin 1 Redford 9 / Farmington
Royal Oak 9
Pontiac 9 Detroit 21 / Wallace Lake
11 Detroit 20