Drake Family Obituaries
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Drake Family Obituaries
If you would like to add any material that is related to the Drake family to this list, please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - roy@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your entries will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD.

Stephen S. Drake - born in Dover; England in 1851
From: Susan Nyberg
Stephen S. Drake’s obituary from the 3/6/1907 Redwood Gazette, Redwood Falls, Redwood County, MN

“Dies on Duty”

“Stephen S. Drake Falls Dead at Echo, the Victim of Apoplexy.”

Stephen S. Drake, a brother of George Drake of this city, fell backward without a syllable of warning while engaged in his store at echo last Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Drake was a hard worker at all times, and had been putting in overtime for a few weeks, his son Walter being with him as his assistant in the harness shop. Shortly before their supper time, Mr. Drake spoke to his son about not working that night, and almost immediately afterwards his son noticed that he was falling and caught him. Young Drake summoned a doctor and Mrs. Drake, but his father breathed his last before the arrival of the doctor, within a very few minutes after his attack. The cause of death is supposed to be due to apoplexy.

“Steve” Drake was well known in this city, having lived here for 7 years or thereabouts, coming here in 1884 and working for his brother George in the latter’s harness shop, until his removal to Echo in 1891, where he has been in business ever since. He was born in Dover, England, in 1851, coming to this country and joining his brothers at Rushford, MN in 1868.

While a resident of this city he was married to Miss Mary Barber, and here his son Walter was born. Miss Mamie Drake, aged 15, is the only daughter, the widow and two children constituting the surviving family.

Steve Drake was known to all of his friends as a kindly, conscientious man, true to his convictions and to his fellowmen. His misfortune of a few years ago, resulting in the loss of one of his lower limbs, did not seem to sour his disposition or greatly alter his outlook on life. His family will have the sincere sympathy of many in their hour of affliction.

For any questions on this Drake family, email Susie at essayonss@earthlink.net