Drake Family Obituaries
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Drake Family Obituaries
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James Drake laid to rest after useful and honorable life.
From: Susan Nyberg
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 11:25 PM

Taken from the Fairfax Standard, Fairfax, Renville County, MN, Thursday June 5, 1919.

Last Tribute Paid Respected Citizen

James Drake laid to rest after useful and honorable life.

In the death of James Drake, whose funeral was held Friday afternoon, Fairfax and community loses one of its early settlers, and a most worthy and respected citizen.

Deceased had been a member of the Methodist church since his boyhood. The funeral was held at the Fairfax M. E. church, Rev. E. C. Reineke conducting the service. Interment was made in the Fort Ridgely cemetary.

James Drake was born in Hawthorne, E. Kent, England, May 14, 1843, and for a time found employment at Ripon, Wis. He was married to Amy L. Collins April 23, 1865 to which union six children were born.

In the fall of 1864 he and his wife went to Rochester, Minn., where they remained two years then removing to Cairo township, where they entered upon a homestead, making this their home until 1892, when they removed to Fairfax.

Death occurred Tuesday evening, May 27, 1919, a the age of 76 years and 13 days. He is preceeded to the Beyond by his wife who died January 9, 1917, and one son, Ernest J., who died at the age of 18 about twenty years ago. The surviving members of the family are Charles F., Worthington, Minn.; Alice L. Dieter, Fairfax; William F., Whitewood, Sask., Canada; Mrs. T. G. Doheny, Lytle Mont., and Albert, Westhope, N.D. Deceased is also survived by one brother, George, of Redwood Falls. A brother, Peter Arthur, died at Eau Claire, Wis., on Easter Sunday, last.