Drake Family Obituaries
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Drake Family Obituaries
If you would like to add any material that is related to the Drake family to this list, please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - roy@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your entries will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD.

Charles Drake d. 1903
From: Susan Drake Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 11:12 PM

This is typed exactly as it is written in the Newspaper it came from. Typo's and all.

Charles Drake d. 1903

The subject of this sketch was born April 28 1838 at Eythome, Kent county, England and in the fall of 1855, when but a lad of seventeen crossed the Atlantic to seek his fortune in this country. He located near Fairwater, Wisconsin and first turned his attention to agricultural pursuits but shortly after determining to learn a trade, became an apprentice in the harness shop of a Mr. Paddock at Ripon, Wisconsin. Endowed with energy and push he rapidly mastered the details of the business and accepted a position with a prominent harness manufacturer at Waupon, where he remained two years and then returned to Fairwater where he opened a shop of his own.

In the early sixties he came to this state and in company with Mr. Beardsley engaged in the harness business at Rochester. Having heard a favorable report of Rushford he drove down here in April of 1866 with a view of locating. Though the railroad had not yet reached here and goods had to be hauled by team from Winona and La Crosse he was favorably impressed and decided to establish himself here. By careful attention to business he succeeded in building up one of the largest harness manufacturing establishments in the northwest. For a time he operated a branch house at Lanesboro but finally concentrated his efforts on the home enterprise. After moving into his handsome new brick block in 1896 he associated with him his eldest son, W. F., and continued the business under the firm name of C. Drake & Son. Thus he rounded out 37 years of active business life in this city sharing with us all the duties and responsibilities of a good citizen.

June 24, 1866, he was married to Jane Hargrave at Ripon, Wis. six children were born to them, four sons and two daughters of whom three sons with his widow survive. W. Frank and Ralph Drake of this city and Dr. Fred A. Drake of Lanesboro.

Deceased was raised to the sublime degree of a master mason by Mystic Star Lodge No. 69, June 1, 1871 and remained an esteemed and honored brother up to the time of his death, having filled in turn every office in the lodge from Tyler to Senior Warden.

The funeral ceremonies took place Sunday under the auspices of Mystic Star Lodge No. 69 assisted by brethern from Lanesboro, Houston, Money Creek and Fremont lodges. And his mortal remains were committed to earth in Oak Grove cemetary. Though dead his memory will be cherished in loving rememberance by all who knew him. Peace to his ashes.

Members from the neighboring lodges who were present and took part in the sad services are as follows:

Houston Mystic Circle, No. 78, P. A. Hanson, T. R. Parish, W. W. Parish, H. Smith, Martin Omodt, Anton Olson, Wm. Vance, S. Hanson, J. E. Parish, H. Harris and Chas. Whitehouse.

Clyde - Evergreen Lodge, No 46. R.H. Henry, Hans Selvig, D. A. Ferguson, Thos. Ferguson, J.C. Henry, L.C Henry, J.E. Small and Fred Randell.

Money Creek - Orient Lodge, No. 84. Chas. Tiffany, D. W. Robinson, and Taylor Robinson.

Lanesboro - Lebanon Lodge, No. 102. A. Enger, W. Running, L. A. King, R. C. Sackett, W. V. Bean, H. Frakis, W. S. Henry and J. O. Blekre.
*Taken from the Rushford Star, May 14, 1903. Rushford, MN, Fillmore County.

*Two facts to note are the spelling of the town in England which is actually Eyethorne and has also been misspelled Hawthorne. The other is that W. F. Drake went by Frank, his given name was William.

Any inquiries about family history on this Drake can be sent to Susie at susan_drake@verizon.net