Early Drake records
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Early Drake records - John Drake son of Robert Drake (brother of Edmund)
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From: Gregory Charles Loudon Bourland
Date: Thursday, May 04, 2000 2:40 AM

John Drake son of Robert Drake (brother of Edmund) Being interrogated as to his childhood the prisoner said that at the age of six months he was taken to the house of his grandmother Margery Drake and brought up there. Until his eight year and that after that he remained in the house of his mother for about a year and a half. He said futher that when ten years old his cousin Captain Francis Drake took him with in and that he served him as his page and went with him to Ireland and that he was with him all the time of his great voyage around the world. Spent 14 to 15 years with Sir Francis.

Francis Drake’s young cousin, John Drake, while he was a prisoner Of the Spaniards in South America after having been captured in connection with a later expedition under Edward Fenton, The youthful John—not to be confused with Francis Drake’s brother, also named John but killed in the Caribbean in 1572-lacked notes too refresh his memory when under interrogation by the Spaniards, so he gives no dates.

John declared his genealogy in the following from January 8, 1587 to Inquistor Licentiate Antonio Guttierez de Ulloa as: Father and Mother: Robert and Anna Drake natives of Tavistock; that his father was dead, that he left his mother alive, father was gentlman and lived on his farm in the said place. Paternal Grandparents: John Drake Margery Drake lived Tavistock had lived on farm. Maternal Grandparents: not know but were from Tavistock
Uncles His father’s brothers: John1, John 2, Edmond. His cousins: Sir Francis, Thomas. Brothers and sisters: Dorothy, John 1 who was died, Isabbel who was died John 2 was not married but later married a spanish wife

These two depositions were and in translation, and in 1914 were also translated in part by Zelia Nuttall in her valuable New light on Drake.
>>From the book Drake’s Island of Thieves, by Willialm A. Lessa, professor of anthropology at the University of California at Los Angles. 1975