This information is all taken from:
by Peter Wilson Coldham
Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1992
PH: 410-837-8271 for catalog of other books
May 1634. Probate of will of FRANCIS DRAKE of Esher, Surrey, whose
cousin JOHN DRAKE was to be sent to New England. Source: English
Estates of American Colonists, v.1, by Peter Wilson Coldham, 1980.
2 May 1635. DIANA DRAKE, age 19, to be transported [from London]
to Barbados in the ALEXANDER, Mr. Gilbert Grimes, under Captain
Burche. Source: Public Records Office, London, England
13 October 1635. ISACK DRAKE, age 25, to be transported [from
London] aboard the AMITY, Mr. George Downes, to St. Christopher's.
Source: Public Records Office, London, England.
2 September 1635. JOHN DRAKE, age 18, to be transported [from
London] to St. Christopher's by the WILLIAM & JOHN, Mr. Rowland
Langram, after examination by the Minister of Gravesend. Source:
Public Records Office, London, England.
February 1656. ISAAC DRAKE reprieved at Surrey Assizes to be
transported to the plantations for 10 years. Source: Bonded
Passengers to America, by Peter Wilson Coldham, 1983.
9 February 1656. To all to whom these presents shall come,
Greeting. Being moved with piety of our special grace ... we have
pardoned ISAAC DRAKE, late of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey,
Southwark, Surrey, labourer, by whatever names,a rts, mysteries or
places he is known ... of all manner of trespasses, contempts,
misdemeanours, felonies, robberies, burglaries and thefts
whatsoever perpetrated by him whereof he stands convicted, and also
of executions, pains of death, corporal pains and imprisonments,
punishments and forfeitures whatsoever. Nevertheless so that he
stands right in court if any person will speak of him that they do
not find good and sufficient surety of his good behaviour
henceforth according to the form set forth in the Parliament held
at Westminster in the 10th year of Edward III, this letter of
pardon shall stand good [provided that the said person] by the care
of the Sheriff of Surrey be transported beyond the seas to some
English plantation with all convenient speed, and if he shall
refuse or escape without 10 years after his said transportation
without lawful licence, then this pardon shall be null and void.
Given by the Lord Protector at Westminster. Source: Public
Records Office, London, England.
4 August 1658. JONATHAN DRAKE, yeoman, bound to John Kingsford to serve 6
years in Virginia. Source: "Servants to Foreign Plantations," ref. 04220,
Bristol Record Office, Bristol, England.
6 September 1658. The following bound to Andrew Ball, mariner:
RICHARD DRAKE of Bristol, serge maker, to serve 3 years; THOMPSON DRAKE to
serve 4 years; MARY DRAKE to serve 4 years; JOHN DRAKE to serve 10 years;
THOMAS DRAKE to serve 12 years. Source: "Servants to Foreign Plantations," ref. 04220, Bristol Record Office, Bristol, England.