1535 - John Drake married Amye, daughter of Roger Greenville. He died in 1558.
1535 - Richard Drake of Esher, Surrey, was born in 1535 and died in 1603. He was equerry to Elizabeth I. He was also a first cousin of the Navigator. Richard was the overseer of the first will of the Navigator but there was no legacy in the will for him. This Richard was the father of Francis, the godson of the Navigator.
1541 - Edmund, John and Margery's second son, is traditionally said to have begun life as a sailor, and to have been early converted to the
Protestant faith. The date of his marriage is believed to have been about the year 1541. It has been supposed that his wife was sister or
cousin to William Hawkins; but reccent discoveries shows that her name was Milwaye, and it is just as likely that the relationship, which is
known to have existed between the Drake and Hawkins families, may have been through Edmund Drakes's mother as through his wife. (He sold the ship, and entered into the service of his cousins, John and William Hawkins, the enterprising sons of William Hawkins of Plymouth, a seaman
much esteemed and beloved of King Henry VIII.)
Edmund Drake had twelve children.
1566 - John Drake married Margaret Cole (Williams says Margery Hawkins - which I tend to believe based on the close relationship with Hawkins on Francis's first voyages) Lived in Crowndale and died 1566
children: Edmund Joan John
1567 - Edmund Drake was the father of Sir Francis the Navigator and 11 other sons plus daughters. He died in 1567.
1572 - Sir Francis Drake's brother John died in October of 1572 on board the "Pasco" off Fort Diego near Panama after being shot trying to board a Spanish ship.
1575 - William of Shipden, son of Thomas, married Alice, the daughter of Robert Booth, and had a son named John, who was married about 1575 to Grace Bairstow and was the father by her of John, Thomas, Daniel, Francis, and Samuel. of these, John had only one son, named Thomas, who died without issue; Thomas was the father by his wife, Mary Foster, whom he married about 1625, of a son named William Drake, who left numerous issue at thornton, Yorkshire; and Daniel was married in 1621 to Mary Holdsworth, by whom he had at least one son, named John. William of the Lee, son of Thomas, married Grace Broadley in 1575 and was the father by her of Joseph, Nathan, Jeremy, Timothy, and five daughters, including Ester, who married her cousin, Humphrey Drake, son of Gilbert. of the sons of William of the Lee.
1575 - Idleness not being in his nature, Drake filled up the time by fitting out three frigates at his expense, and with them, accompanied by his
little cousin, John Drake, who acted as his page, he joined the Royal Navy, and as captain of the Falcon served under Essex in the Irish
campaign of 1575. Many of his old friends were already in Ireland-among others, Francis Russell, Edmund Tremayne, Walter Raleigh( married to
Elizabeth Drake sister of Edmund Drakes, and aunt to Sir Francis), and Sir Peter Carew.
1581 - Christening; 23 Jul. Robert Drake (son of William DRAKE and Joan MERRYLLS) was born before 23 Jul 1581 in Halstead, Essex Co., England. Christened in Halstead, Essex Co., England. He died on 14 Jan 1668 in Hampton, Rockingham Co., NH.
1582 - "Sir Francis invested in real estate substantially and had 29 properties scattered around Plymouth. In 1582 he purchased from Richard Drake a house in Yarcomb." Note- Such latter holding could lead to a false assumption of a connection with Drakes of Devonshire.
1583 - Robert Drake b 23 July Devon, England d14 Jan 1668 Hampton, NH.
1585 - Barnard Drake, Knight of Mt. Drake and Ashe in Devon, a great favorite of Queen Elizabeth, who knighted him at Greenwich, Jan. 9, 1585; m. Gertrude Fortescue, a descendant, in the fifth generation, of Sir John Forescue, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, under Henry VI., and Lord Chancellor.
1585 - Sir Francis' cousin John sailed in 1585 and was captured by Spaniards, spending the remainder of his life a prisoner. The last sighting of this John Drake was in Cartagena when he was forced to walk in the "Auto de Fe" walk of the penitants.
1587 - John Drake declared his genealogy in the following from January 8, 1587 to Inquistor Licentiate Antonio Guttierez de Ulloa as: Father and Mother:
Robert and Anna Drake natives of Tavistock; that his father was dead, that he left his mother alive, father was gentlman and lived on his farm
in the said place. Paternal Grandparents: John Drake Margery Drake lived Tavistock had lived on farm. Maternal Grandparents: not know but were
from Tavistock Uncles His father's brothers: John1, John 2, Edmond. His cousins: Sir Francis, Thomas. Brothers and sisters: Dorothy, John 1 who was died, Isabbel who was died John 2 was not married but later married a spanish wife
1558 - At Musbury there is a tomb with effigies of John and Amy Graynvile Drake with the following description- Here lies the body of John Drake of Ashe, Esq.and Amy, his wife who was the daughter of Sir Roger Graynfield Kt by whom he had six sonnes whereof lived three at his death viz Barnard, Robertr and Richard. He died 4th of October 1558 and she died the 18th of Febrvarie 1577
1595 - 54/2/9 Account of the voyage of Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins to the West Indies (their last voyage). n.d. [1595]