Early Drake records
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Early Drake records - Earliest Drakes: 1400 -1499.
These early records have been compiled over a period of time from the Drake-L, English databases and other sources. No attempt is being made by me to take credit for material that has been sent in by other people. My apologies for not crediting all sources of this material -
If you would like to add any material to this page please send me an email with your details to Roy Andrews - roy@xroyvision.com.au It will take about a week before your enquiry will appear on this database - or post your enquiries - comments directly onto the DRAKE MESSAGE BOARD.

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1402 - one John Drake, probably of the same Irish family, was Mayor of Dublin in 1402.

1420 - John Drake, of Mount Drake and Exmouth, Devonshire, described as a "man of great estate and a name of no less antiquity" married Christiana Billett or (Billet) and heir of John Billett of Ashe.

1429/30 - Witnessed: Wattkyn Stone, Hycke Tornor, Hancoc Wodysworthi, Thomas Reyngy, Pers Drake. Dated: 1 February 1429/1430. Seals: 1 TD [for ?]. Green wax. Good. 2 Ditto. Somerset,UK.

1483 - John Drake, of Shipden, in the Parish of Halifax, county York, was the father in the early fifteenth century of a son named Richard, who was the father of John, living in 1483, who married Cecily, daughter of John Roper, of Thornton. to this union were born seven children, William, Laurence, Alice, Robert, John, Elizabeth, and Ellen. of these,William had issue by his wife Christabel of two sons, Thomas and Gilbert. Thomas, the elder of the last-mentioned brothers, had four children, William of Shipden, Gilbert of Pikeley, Isabel, and William of Lee.