Will of DRAKE, John [of Crusemorchard]
Will of DRAKE, John [of Crusemorchard]
Date of Will 17 January 1552
Proved 23 March 1552 by overseers during minority of exrs.
To be buried in churchyard of Crusemorchard.
To Alice Seake my sister 40s. and a sack of rye.
To John Seake 10s. and 2 bushels of rye.
To William Lande and William Howse a bushel of rye..
To William Hill, a green coat.
To John Jurden, Anthony Millar clothing.
To Joanne Venner my servant 20 nobles
To John Venner clothing and to Marmaduke, clothing.
To John my eldest son £20, the money to remain in hands of my overseers until he be 24 years of age.
John my son is to suffer William my son to have a close next to Growbeere of
Vulscomb ground when it falleth in the hands of said John Drake.
I will that Joane my daughter shall immediately
after my death enjoy my bargen Growebere so called lying in hamlet of
Ruckcomb [Ruckham] in Cruse morchard for 15 years and after the 15 years are
ended, I give the bargen to Richard my son to hold for his life, the
remainder thereof to John my son and his heirs in fee for ever.
To Agnes Pyne 3s.4d.:to Sibley Gaene 13s.4d.: to Sir Davye Cole, curate 6s.8d.
Residue to Richard my son and to Joane my daughter, exrs. but they are not to possess my goods till they are 24, but to remain
in the hands of my overseers.
Witnesses: Sir Davyd Cole, curate, Robert Mawnder, Thomas Maunder, Harry Wright and Jamys Peke.
Overseers: Robert Mawnder and Harry Wright and Thomas Mawnder.
Henry Wright on 26 Apr. 1553 added to the inventory already exhibd. 50s. found in a chest of decd. after his death