Intro to the Drake family wills of Cruwys Morchard.
It is known that a John Drake, (son of John Drake of Otterton in south-east
Devon and Christian, daughter of John Antage), married in about 1470, the
daughter and heiress of John Cruwys. A further John Drake, eldest son of
this union, went on to continue the famous Drake line of Otterton and Ashe.
The balance of probabilities seems to indicate very strongly, that a younger
son (or grandson) of this same union, inherited West Ruckham at Cruwys
Morchard from the Cruwys family, moved there and started the line of Drakes
at Cruwys Morchard, and this would be a likely explanation as to how the
Drakes came to this village. West Ruckham is recorded as a Domesday Estate
“belonging to the Manor” The “Notebook” declares that
“the family of Drake are first mentioned as being owners of West Ruckham in
1550, where they continued to reside until about 1801”
The date of 1550 noted above is probably the earliest date that the author
found, that states that it was owned by the Drakes, but it is certainly
possible that they had owned it for the previous 50 to 70 years but that no
documentation has been found to support this. however we have found the
earliest Drake Will preserved, dated 1552, that did indeed support earlier
ownership by the family, as it described Ruckham “as an estate of
inheritance” Extract taken From Guy Harris
Submited Monday, 6 November 2006 1:17 AM - by Russell Downe From the Cruwys Morchard Drakes Reasearch Group.
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The Drake Family of Cruwys Morchard Devon