Auxilio diuino
To Richard Drake Esquier, in praise of Sir Francis Drake. Knight.
Throvgre scorching heate, theoghe coulde, in stormes, and tempefts force,
By ragged rocks, shefes & fandes; this knighte did keep his coutse.
By gaping gulfes hee pass'd, by monsters of the flood,
By pirattes, theeues and cruell foes, that long'd to spill his blood.
That wonder greate to scape; but, GOD was on his side,
And throughe them all, in spite of all, his shaken shippe did guide.
And, to requite his paines; By helpe of power devine.
His happe, at lengthe did aunswere hope, to finde goulden mine.
Let GRAECIA then forbeare, to praise her JASON boulde;
Who throughe the watchfull dragons pass'd, to win the fleece of
Since by MEDEAS helpe, they weare inchaunted all.