Genealogy websites and links
Genealogy Directory Index
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Singleton FHS Online Databases Unidentified family photos Photographic family tree charts
Genealogy Directory Index
How would you like to be able to look at and admire photographic family tree chart presentations of your family ancestors and descendants?
You can post any genealogical enquiries - comments directly onto the XROYVISION MESSAGE BOARD
ABC genealogy
- Your Guide To Genealogy
All Vital Records
- Search the largest online genealogy databases. Find birth records, death records, marriage records.
- The most popular free genealogy lookup site. Free genealogy research of birth, census, death, land, marriage, military and state records indexes. A must see for those conducting a family genealogical searches
Ancient Faces.Com
- AncientFaces is the free visual genealogy website that has over a thousand old photos, recipes, and stories visitors have shared.
- The home of FREE Census Online and Databases - We are putting census online along with marriage records, Civil War soldiers, tax lists, death records and much more. Search our global genealogy search engines. They will take you to the largest collections of genealogy available online
Census Records
- US Census Records 1790 to 1920. Search our comprehensive index! Free Family Tree software.
Coat of arms from Family Crests
- We do not claim to have the largest database or be the oldest company online, and we won't promise to undercut any price for the same product elsewhere
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- More than 59,150 links!
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service
- Mormon Web Site. Brilliant, the best around.
Family Tree Searcher:
- Enter ancestor information just once to search ancestry at multiple online genealogy databases. Also, family history online search hints!
Family Trees History: Family History Search
- Family Trees History, Family Tree Newsletter Archives, Family Tree Resources, Add URL
Firstmom's Genealogy Resources & Records
- Here you will find over 2200 genealogy links, mostly to sites which contain records such as: birth, death, church, cemetery, census and so on.
Gateway to Surname Origins
- Naming Patterns & Nickname Origins
Geneology Wizard
- A Valuable Genealogy Information Resource Website. Are you looking for Genealogy related information and resources? If you've been searching the Internet for information about Genealogy you've arrived at a valuable website that you'll find very helpful.
Genealogy: Free Advice for Effective Searches
- Answer a series of questions and get free, customized advice on the next steps for your genealogy search
Genealogy Free Stuff!
- Your guide to finding genealogical resources & information online.
Genealogy Links and Homepages
- Lots of Genealogy Links, Sites, and Homepages for Surname, History, Family, and Ancestor Research.
- Our Mission: to make the power of the Internet available to our users by setting up a universal register of all the world's genealogical resources, whether Net-based or not, and whether free or fee-paying.
Genealogy Pages
The World's Premier Genealogy Portal
Genealogy Searching Center
- huge databases
- The Quest for Genealogical Success
Genealogy Gateway
- Genealogy Gateway is your portal for family tree, surname, ancestry, and genealogy information
- A collection point for Family History GEDCOM datafiles. Over 22.4 million+ individuals and data on-line in 15,800+ different databases. Two months FREE access for your data.
- Unique first name searches, real vital records online, surname origins and meanings, dozens of FREE genealogy databases, helpful family tree articles and adoption resources
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox
- Helm's Genealogy Toolbox is the oldest comprehensive genealogical site. It contains links to over 130,000 genealogical pages, a genealogically focused search engine, and digitized original records
Heritage Quest.Com
- Research your ancestry through America's largest commercial genealogy archive. Beginners and experts benefit with the best family history and genealogy data and resources available.
International Internet Genealogical Society
is a volunteer organization dedicated to: the promotion and maintenance of genealogical resources through the medium of the Internet; the encouragement of ethical genealogical practices and accurate research; and the promotion of international cooperation among genealogists throughout the world
JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy
- JewishGen, Inc. is the primary internet source connecting researchers of Jewish genealogy worldwide.
Maximilian Genealogy
- Free Searchable Databases-Royals-Famous-Historic-Your Family? - Maximilian Genealogy
- Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World
- #1 Genealogy Portal online! Search over 5 Billion Websites under any topic! Free Query Boards, Email, Homepages and more
Surname Web
The Genealogy Web Project of surname resource centers, and personal genealogy pages on the web. With a searchable Registry, it is now one of the largest and most unique listing of genealogy home pages on the web! Submit your genealogy home page today!
The Genealogy Register
- Search engine and directory of genealogy web sites. Thousands of links to free online census records, passenger lists, vital records, obituaries, military rosters, surname homepages, and more!
Top Surname Search Sites
Genealogy Top 100
Welcome to
- The Resource Centre for finding that Lost Friend or Relative in the UK.
World Gen Web
- The WorldGenWeb Project is a non-profit, volunteer based organization dedicated to providing genealogical and historical records and resources for world-wide access!
World-Wide Genealogy Resources
- has hosts for about half the countries in the world