Descendants of John Drake
John Drake died 1566. He married Margery Hawkins.

From: Catherine Drake Walker

Date: Friday, March 09, 2001 9:52 AM

 The first 11 generations is my compilation of research where I have made every effort
to give proper credit to my sources (mostly internet). My branch of Mary 
Drake m. James Newell begins with Generation 11 and goes through generation
15. The research on my direct line from Generation 11-15 comes from family
records and the book, Sanders Saga, by Catherine Sanders McConnell, McClure
Press, 1972, of which I own a copy of this book. 

Generation No. 1

	1.  John1 Drake died 1566.  He married Margery Hawkins.  

Notes for John Drake:

Some say that John married Margaret Cole, but most sources say Margery Hawkins. They lived in Crowndale
Children of John Drake and Margery Hawkins are:
+	2	i.	Edmond2 Drake.
	3	ii.	John Drake.
+	4	iii.	Robert Drake.
	5	iv.	John Drake.
	6	v.	Joan Drake.

Generation No. 2

	2.  Edmond2 Drake (John1)  He married Unknown Maylwaye 1541.  

Notes for Edmond Drake:

Edmond traditionally was said to have begun life as a sailor, and was converted early to the Protestant faith. It has been
 supposed that his wife was sister or cousin to William Hawkins, but recent discoveries shows that her name was Milwaye,
 and the relationship between the Drake and Hawkins familes was through Edmond Drake's mother. He sold  his ship and 
entered into th eservice of his cousins, John and William Hawkins, sons of William Hawkins of Plymouth, a seaman much
 esteemed and beloved by King Henry VIII. 
Children of Edmond Drake and Unknown Maylwaye are:
+	7	i.	Thomas3 Drake.
	8	ii.	Sir Francis Drake, born Abt. 1541 in Crowndale, near Tavistock, Devonshire, England; died Abt. 1595 in Last 
voyage, WI, buried at sea.  He married (1) Mary Newman 1567 in St. Budeaux Parish, Plymouth, England?; born WFT Est.
 1531-1552; died Abt. 1582.  He married (2) Elizabeth Sydenham 1585 in St. Budeaux Parish, Plymouth, England?;
 born WFT Est. 1538-1568; died 1598.

Notes for Sir Francis Drake:

Sir Francis Drake (Admiral) fitted out three frigates at his own expense. His cousin, John Drake, acted as his page. He
 joined the Royal Navy and as captain of the Falcon, served under Essex in the Irish campaign of 1575. Some of his
friends included: Francis Russell, Edmund Tremayne, Walter Raleigh (married Elizabeth Drake, sister of Edmond, an daunt
 of Sir Francis, and Sir Peter Carew. 

In 1595 54/2/9 account of the voyage of Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins to the West Indies was their last voyage. 

Information on Sir Francis's wives from WFT Vol 4, #0999 

	9	iii.	Edmond Drake, Jr.
	10	iv.	Joseph Drake.

	4.  Robert2 Drake (John1)  He married Anna Unknown.  
Children of Robert Drake and Anna Unknown are:
	11	i.	John3 Drake.

Notes for John Drake:

Per interrogation as a prisoner, John said that at the age of 6 months, he was taken to his grandmother's house, Margery
 Drake) and brought up there for about 1-1/2 years. When he was 10 years old, his cousin, Captain Francis Drake took 
him and he served him as his page and went with him to Ireland and he was wtih him during his great voyage around the
 world. He spend 14-15 years with Sir Francis. While John was prisoner of the Spaniards in South American after having
been captured in connection with a later expedition under Edward Fenton. (This John is not to be confused with Sir Francis's
 brother, John, who was killed in the Caribbean in 1572. Sir Francis's cousin, John, declared his genealogy to the Inquisitor
 Licentiate Antonio Guttierez de Ulloa on  Jan. 8,1 1587, HIs father and mother wre Robert and Anna Drake, of Tavistock, 
his father being dead, and that he left his mother alive. HIs father was a gentleman and lived on his farm in Tavistock. 
Paternal grandparents were John Drake and Margery Drake who lived in Tavistock and lived on a farm.  Maternal grandparents 
wre not known, but they were from Tavistock.  His father's brothers were:  John 1, John 2, and Edmond. His cousins were:
 Sir Francis, Thomas.  His brothers and sisters were Dorothy, and John 1 who had died, Isabbel who had died.John 2 later 
married a Spaniard Wife.  These depositions were translated in 1914 in part by Zelia Nuttall.  From the book, Drake's Island
 of Thieves", by William A. Lessa, professor of anthropology at the University of California at Los Angeles, 1975.

In 1585, John was captured, and spend the remainder of his life as a prisoner. The last sighting of this John Drake was in
 Cartagena when he was forced to walk in the "Auto de Fe" walk of the penitants. 

	12	ii.	Dorothy Drake.
	13	iii.	Isabbel Drake.
	14	iv.	John Drake.

Generation No. 3

	7.  Thomas3 Drake (Edmond2, John1)  He married Elizabeth Gregorie 1596.  

Notes for Thomas Drake:
(From Jack Drake, gdrake@cox-internet.clom)

1596 (Drake, I, pp 137-140) Thomas Drake married Elizabeth, daughter of Gregorie (Visitations of...Devon, 1620) p. 96 
and died on April 4, 1606 (Burke, 1904 p. 503). In his will, dated March 17,1 605, he mentions his "Sonne Frauncis,"
 his wife, Elizabeth Drake and his Uncle John Drake. 

More About Thomas Drake:
Burial: April 04, 1606
Children of Thomas Drake and Elizabeth Gregorie are:
+	15	i.	Sir Francis4 Drake, born 1588 in England; died March 11, 1636/37.
	16	ii.	Elizabeth Drake.  She married John Bamfield.

Generation No. 4

	15.  Sir Francis4 Drake (Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1588 in England, and died March 11, 1636/37.  He m
arried (1) Ann Bamfield September 22, 1602.  She died February 26, 1612/13.  He married (2) Joan Strode June 05, 1615
 in England, daughter of Sir William Strode.  She was born Abt. 1590 in England, and died WFT Est. 1631-1685.

Notes for Sir Francis Drake:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted 
to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)
Sir Francis Drake was the first Baronet of Buckland Monarchorum, on 08-02-1622. 

More About Sir Francis Drake:
Baptism: September 16, 1589

Notes for Ann Bamfield:
Last name also found as Bampfylde
Child of Sir Drake and Ann Bamfield is:
	17	i.	Dorothy5 Drake.

Children of Sir Drake and Joan Strode are:
+	18	i.	Joseph5 Drake, born 1629 in Buckland Monachorum; died October 1708 in Buckland Monachorum.
	19	ii.	Sir Francis Drake, died January 06, 1661/62.  He married Dorothy Prym 1640; died May 15, 1661.

Notes for Sir Francis Drake:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted
 to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)
Sir Francis Drake was the secon Baronet of Buckland Monachorum

+	20	iii.	Thomas Drake.
+	21	iv.	John Drake.
	22	v.	William Drake.

Generation No. 5

	18.  Joseph5 Drake (Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1629 in Buckland Monachorum, and died 
October 1708 in Buckland Monachorum.  He married Margaret Crymes (Crimes) February 01, 1667/68 in England.  
She was born 1654 in Buckland Monachorum, and died May 1682 in Buckland Monachorum.

Notes for Joseph Drake:
WFT #0541says birth date was 09-08-1629

Notes for Margaret Crymes (Crimes):
WFT #0541
Child of Joseph Drake and Margaret (Crimes) is:
	23	i.	Francis6 Drake.

	20.  Thomas5 Drake (Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  He married Susan (Crymes) Crimes July 21, 1641, 
daughter of William Crimes.  
Child of Thomas Drake and Susan Crimes is:
	24	i.	Francis6 Drake.

	21.  John5 Drake (Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  He married Prudence Slavery.  She died 1681.

Notes for John Drake:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted
 to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)
His title was John of Ivybridge

More About John Drake:
Burial: November 09, 1681

Notes for Prudence Slavery:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted
 to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)
Prudence was the daughter of Savory of Slade
Children of John Drake and Prudence Slavery are:
	25	i.	William6 Drake.
+	26	ii.	Joseph Drake, born 1630.

Generation No. 6

	26.  Joseph6 Drake (John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1630.  He married (1) Grace Unknown.  
  He married (2) Margaret Crimes February 11, 1668/69, daughter of Ludovic Crimes.  

Notes for Joseph Drake:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted
 to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)
"Little was know about this branch of the family; their descendants, it is said, went o America"

(from Jack Drake
Joseph was educated at Exeter College, Oxford. Joseph had one child by his second wife, Grace

More About Joseph Drake:
Burial: October 12, 1708, Buckland Monachorum

More About Margaret Crimes:
Burial: May 01, 1682, Buckland Monachorum
Children of Joseph Drake and Margaret Crimes are:
+	27	i.	Bamfield7 Drake, born 1670 in Buckland Monachorum; died 1729 in Farway, Devonshire, England.
	28	ii.	Francis Drake, born 1675.

Generation No. 7

	27.  Bamfield7 Drake (Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1670 in Buckland Monachorum, a
nd died 1729 in Farway, Devonshire, England.  He married Katherine Unknown Abt. 1700 in England.  She was born Abt. 1670.

Notes for Bamfield Drake:
(from Jack Drake

Bampfield also see as Bampfylde, and was referred to a "Bamfield Drake" a clerk in the Holy orders. (Drake, II pp 170-172)
 The Reverend Bamfylde Drake of Buckland Devon, matriculated March 18, 1688-89 Exeter College, Oxford and received
 his BA on March 24, 1693/94. He was Rector of Treboro, Somerset, 1696 and of Farway, Devon (Foster "Alumni Oxoniesis," 
1891) His will was proved 07-09-1729. the Exeter ordination register shows that he was ordained priest on January 19, 
1695/96 and that he was admitted to the rectory of Farway on May 2, 1700.Reverend Bampfield Drake was the Rector of
 Farway, Devonshire.

More About Bamfield Drake:
Baptism: April 12, 1670
Burial: June 20, 1729

More About Katherine Unknown:
Burial: March 19, 1728/29
Children of Bamfield Drake and Katherine Unknown are:
+	29	i.	Francis8 Drake, born 1701; died Bet. 1745 - 1796.
	30	ii.	Bamfield Drake, born 1704.
	31	iii.	Joseph Drake.
	32	iv.	John Drake, born 1709; died 1753.  He married Ann Spicer 1736.

Notes for John Drake:
(from Jack Drake
Francis was Mayor of Plymouth

	33	v.	Joan Drake.  She married Samuel Kay 1722.
	34	vi.	Eleanor Drake.  She married William May 1720.
	35	vii.	William Drake, born 1705.

Generation No. 8

	29.  Francis8 Drake (Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1701, and died B
et. 1745 - 1796.  He married (1) Mary Buckingham in Devonshire, England.  She was born 1703.  He married (2) Sarah 
(Douglass) Bridgers.  

Notes for Francis Drake:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted
 to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)

Francis Drake, his wife Mary and their son James (age 6),  with two of Francis' brothers, Joseph and Bampfield, first came
to Virginia in 1733. Francis and his family settled in North Carolina (Buckland Registry, Devonshire, England; will of Rev. 
Bampfyld Drake, proved in the Principal Registry of the Bishop of Exeter on July 9, 1729, Devonshire England; Drake
 family Bible; M.A. Nash papers, NC; Drake Collection and J.H. Arrington Papers.  This Francis Drake is not to be confused
 with Francis Drake, son of Richard from Orange and Chatham Co, NC. 

Wife, Mary Buckingham died and Francis married second to widow of Samuel Bridgers, Sarah Douglass

(WFT VOl 2, #4574 lists another son for Francis Drake - Benjamin Drake b. 06-18-1742 in Virginia	
This has not been substantiated and this child would have been born about 17 years after brother James. This is possible
if he was the child by Francis' second marriage. This Benjamin married Rachel Davids 
Children of Francis Drake and Mary Buckingham are:
+	36	i.	John9 Drake.
+	37	ii.	James Drake, born 1725 in Devonshire, England; died 1792.

Generation No. 9

	36.  John9 Drake (Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  He married Mary 
Margaret Weldon in Devonshire, England.  

Notes for John Drake:
(From Donna Minke,

From"The Kith and Kin of Captain James Leeper and Susan Drake, His Wife, Nell McNish Gambill, 1946)

John Drake was the son of either Francis and Mary (Buckingham) Drake or son of Francis' brother, Bamfield Drake, Jr
Children of John Drake and Mary Weldon are:
+	38	i.	Mary10 Drake.
+	39	ii.	Benjamin Drake.
	40	iii.	Jonathan Drake.
	41	iv.	Enoch Drake.
	42	v.	John Drake.
	43	vi.	Margaret Drake.
+	44	vii.	Samuel Drake, born 1719.

	37.  James9 Drake (Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1725 in 
Devonshire, England, and died 1792.  He married (1) Heartwell (Hodges) Davis, daughter of Benjamin Hodges and 
Constance Goodrich.    He married (2) Sophia Valentine Abt. 1752.  

Notes for James Drake:
(Abstracted from: John Bennett Boddie, HISSTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES; Redwood Ca, 1957, Vol. VII submitted
 to Mr. Biddie's work by Laura D.S. Harrell)
James Drake's will dated July 9, 1792, Richmond, VA, where he died on a visit to that city,  proved first Aug 1792, 
Henrico Co, VA and recorded Nash Co, NC
Children of James Drake and Heartwell Davis are:
	45	i.	John Hodges10 Drake, born 1767; died 1859.  He married Frances Williams.
+	46	ii.	Benjamin Drake.

Children of James Drake and Sophia Valentine are:
	47	i.	Albrittain10 Drake, born 1755.

Notes for Albrittain Drake:
(From Mississippi Genealogical Society, Cemetery and Bible Records, Vol. VII. NOtes on the Ancestry of Albrittain Drake,
 by Laura Drake Satterfield Harrell (Mrs. William O.) with assistance of Mrs. Louisa D. Enloe)
Albrittain was born in 1755 in Nash Co, NC and later moved to Robeson Co, NC and then to Muhlenberg Co, KY.  
Allbrittain and father, James served in the Revolutionary war against the Brittish.  Many descendants of Albrittain's sons
 - moved to MIssissippi and other Southern States

	48	ii.	Sarah Drake, born Bet. 1756 - 1757.  She married Sampson Bridgers.
	49	iii.	Silas Drake, born 1765.
	50	iv.	James Drake, born 1758.
	51	v.	Lydia Drake.
	52	vi.	Milbery Drake.
	53	vii.	Elizabeth Drake.

Generation No. 10

	38.  Mary10 Drake (John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  She married 
James Newell Sr.  He was born in ireland.
Child of Mary Drake and James Sr is:
+	54	i.	James Newell11 Jr, born February 14, 1748/49 in Probably Ireland; died March 02, 1823 in Wythe Co, VA,
 Trigg Cemetery.

	39.  Benjamin10 Drake (John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)
Child of Benjamin Drake is:
	55	i.	Susan11 Drake.  She married Captain James Leeper 1780 in Ft Nashborough (Nashville, TN).

	44.  Samuel10 Drake (John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was 
born 1719.  He married (1) Margaret Pottle.    He married (2) Mary Cox 1743.  
Children of Samuel Drake and Mary Cox are:
	56	i.	Joseph11 Drake.
	57	ii.	Ephraim Drake.  He married Ann Richardson.
	58	iii.	Samuel Drake.  He married Pauline Cox.
+	59	iv.	Nathaniel Drake.
+	60	v.	Mary Drake, born 1750.
+	61	vi.	Rebecca Drake.
	62	vii.	William Drake.
	63	viii.	Elizabeth Drake.
	64	ix.	Rachel Drake.
	65	x.	Margaret Drake.
	66	xi.	Sarah Drake.

	46.  Benjamin10 Drake (James9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  He 
married Cecelia Taylor.  
Child of Benjamin Drake and Cecelia Taylor is:
	67	i.	James Bamphyld11 Drake.

Generation No. 11

	54.  James Newell11 Jr (Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, 
John1) was born February 14, 1748/49 in Probably Ireland, and died March 02, 1823 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery. 
 He married Sarah Wood January 23, 1771, daughter of William Wood and Martha Drake.  She was born March 10, 1752
in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery, and died April 23, 1831 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.
Children of James Jr and Sarah Wood are:
+	68	i.	Martha12 Newell, born February 05, 1771; died December 13, 1816 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.
+	69	ii.	Mary Newell, born January 07, 1774; died July 14, 1830.
	70	iii.	William Newell, born July 28, 1776.
	71	iv.	Elizabeth Newell, born October 04, 1778.
	72	v.	Sarah Newell, born October 29, 1780.
	73	vi.	James Newell III, born February 04, 1783.
	74	vii.	Thirza Newell, born November 13, 1785.
	75	viii.	Mamie Senah Newell, born June 28, 1788; died December 17, 1860.  She married Adams Sanders October 05, 
1815 in Wythe Co, VA; born July 17, 1792 in Wythe Co, VA; died August 18, 1860.

	59.  Nathaniel11 Drake (Samuel10, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  
He married Mary Jackson.  
Children of Nathaniel Drake and Mary Jackson are:
	76	i.	Issac12 Drake.
	77	ii.	Mary Drake.

	60.  Mary11 Drake (Samuel10, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) 
was born 1750.  She married James Crockett Abt. 1772, son of Samuel Crockett and Esther Thomson.  He was born 1749
 in Augusta Co (now Wythe Co) VA, and died Abt. 1826.
Children of Mary Drake and James Crockett are:
	78	i.	John Drake12 Crockett, born 1775; died 1856.
	79	ii.	Mary Drake Crockett, born May 23, 1778; died November 1826.  She married James McGavock, Jr; born June 10, 
1764; died May 12, 1838.
	80	iii.	Esther Crockett, born January 1780; died July 09, 1870.  She married Francis Jackson Carter.
	81	iv.	James Abraham Crockett, born 1782; died 1862.  He married Nancy Friel.
	82	v.	Ephriam Crockett, born 1784.
	83	vi.	Stephen S. Crockett, born 1787.
	84	vii.	Robert Montgomery Crockett, born 1805; died 1827.
	85	viii.	Nathaniel Crockett, born March 12, 1792; died 1870.  He married Mary Graham.
	86	ix.	Elizabeth Crockett, born September 07, 1795; died January 31, 1862.  She married Lysander McGavock 
December 05, 1832; born October 22, 1800.
+	87	x.	William Drake Crockett, born 1798 in Wythe Co, VA; died 1835 in Wythe Co, VA.
	88	xi.	Abraham Crockett, born 1791.

	61.  Rebecca11 Drake (Samuel10, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1)  
She married William Newell.  
Children of Rebecca Drake and William Newell are:
	89	i.	Betsy12 Newell.
	90	ii.	Lenah Newell.  She married Andrew Sanders.

Generation No. 12

	68.  Martha12 Newell (James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, 
Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born February 05, 1771, and died December 13, 1816 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery. 
 She met Stephen Sanders January 08, 1787, son of John Sanders and Catherine Gannaway.  He was born December 23, 
1768, and died July 21, 1823 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.

Notes for Stephen Sanders:
(From "The Sanders Saga")

Stephen was referred to as "Stephen the Younger" to distinguish him from his Uncle, Col. Stephen Sanders of cripple Creek.
 In the 1810 census, he had eight children and eleven slaves. In June 1794, his in-laws sold him 140 acres of land on the
 west side of New River. 

More About Stephen Sanders:
Deputy Sherif: 1789, Montgomery Co (now Wythe Co) VA
Militia Captain: 1790, Wythe Co, VA
Children of Martha Newell and Stephen Sanders are:
	91	i.	James13 Sanders, born February 03, 1791.
	92	ii.	Sally Sanders, born March 23, 1793.
	93	iii.	Mary Sanders, born May 30, 1796.
+	94	iv.	William John Sanders, born April 30, 1797 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetary; died April 14, 1873 in Wyth
e Co, VA, Trigg Cemetary.
	95	v.	Betsy Sanders, born September 01, 1800.
	96	vi.	William Burrows Sanders, born October 05, 1805 in Wythe Co, VA; died October 20, 1843 in Calloway Co, MO. 
 He married Susan B. Swingle April 05, 1832; born August 08, 1810; died April 08, 1899 in Abington, VA, Sinking Spring
	97	vii.	Alexander Newell Sanders, born February 15, 1807 in Wythe Co, VA; died May 20, 1892 in Cote Sans Dessein, 
Mo, Old High Hill Cemetery.  He married Priscilla Malinda Seagle; born February 28, 1808 in Wythe Co, VA; died September
 05, 1844 in Co, Old High Hill Cemetery.
+	98	viii.	Stephen A. Sanders, born January 14, 1808; died September 04, 1857 in Wythe Co, VA Trigg Cemetery.
+	99	ix.	Dr. Daniel Burton Sanders, born August 07, 1810 in Wythe Co, VA; died July 19, 1862 in Wythe Co, VA.
	100	x.	Martha Newell Sanders, born December 10, 1816.

	69.  Mary12 Newell (James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, 
Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born January 07, 1774, and died July 14, 1830.  She married William Sanders December
 16, 1790, son of Robert Sanders and Catherine Gannaway.  He was born April 06, 1773 in Probably Buckingham Co, VA,
 and died October 21, 1824 in Smyth Co, VA.
Children of Mary Newell and William Sanders are:
	101	i.	Elizabeth13 Sanders.
+	102	ii.	Robert Sanders, born August 07, 1792 in Wythe Co, VA; died October 21, 1858 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.
	103	iii.	Sallie Wood Sanders, born July 09, 1794.
+	104	iv.	James Newell Sanders, born October 08, 1795 in Wythe Co, VA; died April 16, 1875 in Saltville VA.
	105	v.	Catherine Sanders, born July 24, 1797.
	106	vi.	William Sanders, born February 09, 1800.
	107	vii.	Harold Sanders, born September 15, 1801.
	108	viii.	John Sanders, born April 26, 1803.
	109	ix.	Valarius Sanders, born February 08, 1805.
	110	x.	Mary Alexander Sanders, born February 01, 1807.
	111	xi.	Leander A. Sanders, born December 29, 1808.
	112	xii.	Andrew Kincannon Sanders, born March 06, 1813.
	113	xiii.	Edwin Haller Sanders, born April 15, 1815.
	114	xiv.	Senah Newell Sanders, born February 03, 1811 in Wythe Co, VA; died November 26, 1872 in Town House 
Cemetery.  She married George Walton November 04, 1830; born May 28, 1804 in Wythe Co, VA; died October 16, 1850
 in Chilhowie, VA.

Notes for George Walton:
(From "Sanders Saga")
George and Senah had no children. In his will, he left all his land on the north side of New RIver to Richard Walton Sanders;
 entire interest in the lead mines on the south side of New River to Richard Walton Sanders, Stephen Drake Sanders, and
 John P.M. Sanders; to his wife, Senah, all Negroes; to Richard Walton Sanders (nephew) clock and all other possessions.
 A codicil followed:  After death of Sally Adams Sanders, who willed him slaves, giving them to hiswife Senah, providing for
 sale of slaves to pay for services for Dr. D.B. Sanders and Sally A. Sanders. According to "History of Wythe Co" by Jouet
 Boyd, Walton Furnace was named after George Walton. This furnacs operated for a number of years and was sold in 12-1879, 
and ceased operation in 1888.

	87.  William Drake12 Crockett (Mary11 Drake, Samuel10, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, 
Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 1798 in Wythe Co, VA, and died 1835 in Wythe Co, VA.  He married (1) Sarah
 Unknown Bef. 1829 in Wythe Co, VA.    He married (2) Dorcas Frye September 19, 1833 in Wythe Co, VA.  She was 
born September 19, 1800 in Elizabeth City, Wythe Co, VA, and died August 30, 1881 in Cripple Creek, Wythe Co, VA.
Children of William Crockett and Sarah Unknown are:
	115	i.	Lewis Zane13 Crockett, born 1822.
	116	ii.	Robert David Crockett, born April 08, 1827.
+	117	iii.	James Samuel Crockett, born June 21, 1829 in Wythe Co, VA; died April 07, 1888 in Cripple Creek, Wythe Co, VA.
	118	iv.	Sarah Crockett, born Abt. 1831.

Child of William Crockett and Dorcas Frye is:
	119	i.	Thomas13 Crockett.

Generation No. 13

	94.  William John13 Sanders (Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, 
John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born April 30, 1797 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetary, and died April
 14, 1873 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetary.  He married Hannah Walton June 02, 1825 in Mt Airy NC, daughter of Richard 
Walton and Anne Jackson.  She was born February 05, 1806 in Wythe Co, VA, and died November 28, 1876 in Wythe Co, VA, 
Trigg Cemetary.
Children of William Sanders and Hannah Walton are:
+	120	i.	Dr. Richard Walton14 Sanders, born November 17, 1826; died February 13, 1915.
+	121	ii.	Stephen Drake Sanders, born April 13, 1829 in Wythe Co, VA; died March 03, 1919 in Wythe Co, VA.
	122	iii.	George T Sanders, born November 01, 1831.
	123	iv.	John Posey Mathews Sanders, born November 14, 1834; died June 28, 1912 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.  
He married (1) Nannie Alexander Fulton December 22, 1858; born March 01, 1835.  He married (2) Shipton Kincannon Curran
 October 02, 1892; born February 22, 1848; died August 19, 1933 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.

Notes for Shipton Kincannon Curran:
(From "Sanders Saga"
Shipton "Shippy" was first married to Andrew Tate Sanders, so Edwin Haller Sanders
"Posey and "Shippy" were divorced after 3-4 yrs

	124	v.	Martha Ann Sanders, born March 11, 1838.

	98.  Stephen A.13 Sanders (Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, 
John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born January 14, 1808, and died September 04, 1857 in Wythe Co,
 VA Trigg Cemetery.  He married Mary Craig Alison September 06, 1827, daughter of James Allison and Janet Craig.  She
 was born May 16, 1806, and died May 27, 1862 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.
Children of Stephen Sanders and Mary Alison are:
+	125	i.	Martha Jane14 Sanders, born February 01, 1829; died January 31, 1899.
	126	ii.	Mary E Sanders, born March 28, 1832.
	127	iii.	James A. Sanders, born July 24, 1834.
	128	iv.	Senah Adams Sanders, born January 01, 1837.
	129	v.	Matilda A. Sanders, born January 26, 1839.
	130	vi.	Elmira C. Sanders, born January 13, 1840.
	131	vii.	Selinda Sanders, born May 22, 1844.
	132	viii.	Stephen A Sanders, born June 27, 1846.

	99.  Dr. Daniel Burton13 Sanders (Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, 
Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born August 07, 1810 in Wythe Co, VA, and died July 19,
 1862 in Wythe Co, VA.  He married Jane Elizabeth Caldwell September 09, 1833.  She was born October 04, 1813 in
 North Carolina, and died April 18, 1886 in Carroll Co, VA.

Notes for Dr. Daniel Burton Sanders:
(From "Sanders Saga")		
Daniel was thought to have been killed by one of his slaves.  He and a slave went out on his farm in Walton Furnace to
 repair a fence.  Daniel was found dead propped against a tree. 
Children of Dr. Sanders and Jane Caldwell are:
	133	i.	Andrew C14 Sanders, born August 25, 1834.
	134	ii.	Martha Alexander Sanders, born June 15, 1836.
	135	iii.	Mary Susan Sanders, born August 14, 1842.
	136	iv.	Sallie W. Sanders, born January 21, 1847.

	102.  Robert13 Sanders (Mary12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, 
John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born August 07, 1792 in Wythe Co, VA, and died October 21, 1858
 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.  He married Catherine Walker, daughter of Charles Walker and Susannah Gannaway.  
She was born September 10, 1796 in Wythe Co, VA, and died September 12, 1875 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.
Children of Robert Sanders and Catherine Walker are:
+	137	i.	Valarius Gracchus14 Sanders, born March 23, 1817; died March 03, 1894 in Tennessee.
	138	ii.	Susan Bradley Sanders, born May 05, 1820.
	139	iii.	Mary Elizabeth Sanders, born September 23, 1822.

	104.  James Newell13 Sanders (Mary12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, 
John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born October 08, 1795 in Wythe Co, VA, and died April 16, 1875 in 
Saltville VA.  He married (1) Sallie F. Marshall.  She died January 26, 1826.  He married (2) Louisa J. White.  She was 
born November 20, 1817, and died March 01, 1895.
Child of James Sanders and Sallie Marshall is:
	140	i.	Sally Adams14 Sanders, born November 22, 1825; died August 01, 1850 in Wythe Co, VA, Trigg Cemetery.

Notes for Sally Adams Sanders:
(From "Sanders Saga")
Sallie died at George Walton's home, and is buried beside him (husband of her father's sister, Senah Newell Sanders.

Children of James Sanders and Louisa White are:
	141	i.	James Newell Sanders14 Jr.
	142	ii.	Rufus Kincannon Sanders.
	143	iii.	Augustus Oury Sanders, born May 23, 1836.
	144	iv.	Elizabeth Kincannon Sanders, born June 23, 1838.
	145	v.	Joseph White Sanders, born March 07, 1840.
	146	vi.	Caledonia Virginia Sanders, born December 05, 1841.
	147	vii.	William Walton Sanders, born October 14, 1843.
	148	viii.	Teresa Ann Sanders, born September 27, 1847.
	149	ix.	John Curran Sanders, born April 02, 1849.
	150	x.	Sarah Newell Sanders, born August 17, 1850.
	151	xi.	Harriet Henrietta Sanders, born January 18, 1852.
	152	xii.	Robert Adams Sanders, born August 05, 1853.
	153	xiii.	Florence Dunn Sanders, born April 16, 1856.
	154	xiv.	Thomas Gillespie Sanders, born November 17, 1857.
	155	xv.	Susan Louise Sanders, born May 27, 1859.
	156	xvi.	David Edwin Sanders, born February 12, 1861.

	117.  James Samuel13 Crockett (William Drake12, Mary11 Drake, Samuel10, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, 
John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born June 21, 1829 in Wythe Co, VA, and died April 07, 1888 in
 Cripple Creek, Wythe Co, VA.  He married Esther Hudson January 19, 1853 in Methodist Episcopal Church, So, Wythe
 Co, VA, daughter of John Hudson and Ann Winskell.  She was born April 13, 1828 in Long Marton Parish, Westmoreland
 Co, England, and died January 12, 1884 in Cripple Creek, Wythe Co, VA.

More About James Samuel Crockett:
Burial: Crockett Cemetery

More About Esther Hudson:
Burial: Crockett Cemetery
Children of James Crockett and Esther Hudson are:
	157	i.	Sarah Elizabeth14 Crockett, born December 09, 1853.
	158	ii.	William Robert Crockett, born June 26, 1855.
	159	iii.	Dorcas Ann Crockett, born September 19, 1856.
	160	iv.	Mary Catherine Crockett, born July 02, 1858.
	161	v.	John Hudson Crockett, born October 05, 1859.
+	162	vi.	Emma Jane Crockett, born December 28, 1860 in Wythe Co, VA; died June 10, 1893 in Max Meadows, Wyth
e Co, VA.
	163	vii.	Margaret Malinda Crockett, born February 14, 1861.
	164	viii.	James David Crockett, born November 28, 1864.
	165	ix.	George Shelby Crockett, born February 28, 1866.
	166	x.	Joseph Crockett, born April 11, 1870.

Generation No. 14

	120.  Dr. Richard Walton14 Sanders (William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, 
Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born November 17, 1826, and died
 February 13, 1915.  He married Elizabeth F.H. McGhee November 11, 1851 in Bedford Co, VA.  She was born July 18,
1830, and died September 19, 1898.
Children of Dr. Sanders and Elizabeth McGhee are:
+	167	i.	Charles William15 Sanders, born September 19, 1852; died November 30, 1927 in Roanoke VA.
	168	ii.	Blanche Walton Sanders, born July 25, 1856.

	121.  Stephen Drake14 Sanders (William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, 
Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born April 13, 1829 in Wythe Co, 
VA, and died March 03, 1919 in Wythe Co, VA.  He married (1) Eliza Ann Hutton, daughter of Dixon Hutton and Elizabeth
 McCreadie.  She was born February 17, 1829 in Washington Co, VA, and died April 27, 1921 in Abdington, VA, buried in 
Trigg Cemetery, Wythe Co, VA.  He met (2) Catherine Alexander Patteson June 04, 1851 in Smythe Co, VA.  She was
 born November 12, 1830 in Smyth CO VA, and died November 27, 1863 in Town House Cemetery, Chilhowie.
Children of Stephen Sanders and Eliza Hutton are:
+	169	i.	Nannie Fulton15 Sanders, born May 19, 1867 in Smyth Co, VA; died July 12, 1964 in Abdingdon, VA, buried
 in Knollkreg Cemetery.
+	170	ii.	William Dixon Sanders, born August 31, 1868 in Smyth Co, VA; died September 11, 1948 in Wythe Co, VA.
	171	iii.	Charles Newell Sanders, born October 06, 1871.

Children of Stephen Sanders and Catherine Patteson are:
+	172	i.	John Lynch15 Sanders, born May 14, 1852 in Smyth Co, VA; died November 02, 1935 in Sherwood Cemeter
y, near Salem VA.
	173	ii.	Adams Walton Sanders, born April 09, 1856.
	174	iii.	Susan Hannah Sanders, born April 28, 1858.
+	175	iv.	George Burton Sanders, born October 04, 1859 in Smyth CO VA; died February 15, 1938 in Wythe Co, VA.
	176	v.	Martha Ann Sanders, born November 09, 1861.

	125.  Martha Jane14 Sanders (Stephen A.13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, 
Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born February 01, 1829, and died January 31,
 1899.  She married Henry Calfee August 24, 1853, son of William Calfee and Evalina Unknown.  He was born October 21, 
1828, and died June 26, 1902.
Children of Martha Sanders and Henry Calfee are:
	177	i.	William Sanders15 Calfee, born October 21, 1854.
	178	ii.	Stephen Davis Calfee, born January 03, 1857.
	179	iii.	Mary Florence Calfee, born July 14, 1859.
	180	iv.	Rhoda Jane Calfee, born October 08, 1861.
	181	v.	Burton Ballard Calfee, born July 21, 1865.
	182	vi.	Calvin J. Calfee, born December 27, 1867.
	183	vii.	John Lynch Calfee, born March 28, 1871.

	137.  Valarius Gracchus14 Sanders (Robert13, Mary12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, 
Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born March 23, 1817, and died March 03, 
1894 in Tennessee.  He married (1) Maria Randall Robinson July 06, 1837 in Wythe Co, VA, daughter of Benjamin Robinson
 and Rebecca Lakin.  She was born 1820, and died July 1848 in Missouri.  He married (2) Margaret Longacre Cox November 10,
 1852 in Tennessee.  She was born January 09, 1835.
Children of Valarius Sanders and Maria Robinson are:
	184	i.	Ann George15 Sanders.
	185	ii.	Rebecca Lakin Sanders, born May 24, 1838 in Wythe Co, VA.  She married George Harvey Painter August 19, 
1856; born May 19, 1834; died April 21, 1911.
	186	iii.	Catherine Walker Sanders, born February 12, 1841.
+	187	iv.	Henrietta Virginia Sanders, born August 30, 1844; died January 19, 1919 in Wythe Co, VA, Ivanhoe.
	188	v.	Owen Robinson Sanders, born December 12, 1847.

Children of Valarius Sanders and Margaret Cox are:
	189	i.	Thomas15 Sanders.
	190	ii.	Robert Sanders, born January 20, 1854.
	191	iii.	John Cox Sanders, born November 17, 1855.
	192	iv.	Maria Robinson Sanders, born July 10, 1857.
	193	v.	James Kincannon Sanders, born November 18, 1859.
	194	vi.	Charles Raymond Sanders, born September 27, 1862.
	195	vii.	Edwin Clarence Sanders, born March 14, 1866.
	196	viii.	Sallie Clementine Sanders, born December 01, 1868.
	197	ix.	Margaret Gracchus Sanders, born September 15, 1872.

	162.  Emma Jane14 Crockett (James Samuel13, William Drake12, Mary11 Drake, Samuel10, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, 
Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born December 28, 1860 in Wythe Co, VA, and died June 10, 
1893 in Max Meadows, Wythe Co, VA.  She married George Washington Hudson August 07, 1884 in Wytheville, Wythe Co, VA, 
son of John Hudson and Malinda Puckett.  He was born December 09, 1857 in Wythe Co, VA, and died June 28, 1919 in 
Max Meadows, Wythe Co, VA.

More About Emma Jane Crockett:
Burial: Crockett Cemetery, Cripple Creek, VA

More About George Washington Hudson:
Burial: Crockett Cemetery, Cripple Creek, VA
Children of Emma Crockett and George Hudson are:
	198	i.	Grover C15 Hudson, born June 07, 1885.
	199	ii.	Minnie Davis Hudson, born September 21, 1886.
	200	iii.	Alpha C Hudson, born October 14, 1888.
	201	iv.	Omega S Hudson, born October 14, 1888.
	202	v.	James Jackson Hudson, born June 29, 1891.

Generation No. 15

	167.  Charles William15 Sanders (Dr. Richard Walton14, William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, 
Mary10 Drake, John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born 
September 19, 1852, and died November 30, 1927 in Roanoke VA.  He married (1) Virginia Shields.  She was born 
July 07, 1879 in Christiansburg, VA.  He married (2) Carrie Bathe Keener June 1890.  She was born 1856, and died 
1901 in Roanoke VA.
Children of Charles Sanders and Virginia Shields are:
	203	i.	William Sanders16 Sanders, born 1904.
	204	ii.	Charles Hamilton Sanders, born July 21, 1906.
	205	iii.	Harriet Shields Sanders, born 1908.

Children of Charles Sanders and Carrie Keener are:
	206	i.	Richard Walton Sanders16 Sanders, born 1894.
	207	ii.	Marion Sutton Sanders, born June 23, 1896.
	208	iii.	David Keener Sanders, born 1898.
	209	iv.	Margaret Elizabeth Sanders, born 1900.

	169.  Nannie Fulton15 Sanders (Stephen Drake14, William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, 
John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born May 19, 1867 in Smyth Co, 
VA, and died July 12, 1964 in Abdingdon, VA, buried in Knollkreg Cemetery.  She married Jefferson Davis Dyer October 13, 
1892 in Wythe Co, VA.  He was born May 31, 1861 in Wythe Co, VA, and died December 12, 1938 in Smyth Co, VA, Chilhowie,
 buried in Knollkreg Cemetery, Abdingdon.
Children of Nannie Sanders and Jefferson Dyer are:
	210	i.	Mary Eliza16 Dyer, born July 25, 1893.
	211	ii.	Mattie Newell Dyer, born January 21, 1895.
	212	iii.	Elizabeth Dixon Dyer, born July 07, 1896.
	213	iv.	Ethel Jackson Dyer, born March 13, 1899.
	214	v.	Infant Dyer, born August 21, 1901.
	215	vi.	Nathan Sanders Dyer, born September 23, 1903.  He married Marcia Clarke Taylor December 09, 1927; 
born February 14, 1909.

Notes for Marcia Clarke Taylor:
(From Sanders Saga)
descended from George Braxton, signer of Dclaration of Independence

	170.  William Dixon15 Sanders (Stephen Drake14, William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, 
John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born August 31, 1868 in Smyth
 Co, VA, and died September 11, 1948 in Wythe Co, VA.  He married Martha Peirce Graham February 04, 1903 in Wythe Co,
 VA, daughter of David Graham and Nannie Tate.  She was born March 02, 1875 in Graham's Forge, VA, and died April 13,
 1936 in Graham's Forge, VA.
Children of William Sanders and Martha Graham are:
	216	i.	Nannie Graham16 Sanders, born January 14, 1904.
	217	ii.	Ann Eliza Sanders, born May 13, 1905.
	218	iii.	Stephen Drake Sanders, born September 06, 1906.
	219	iv.	William Dixon Sanders Jr, born July 18, 1908.
	220	v.	Katherine Friel Sanders, born July 20, 1909.
	221	vi.	David Peirce Sanders, born October 04, 1910.
	222	vii.	James Graham Sanders, born November 18, 1911.
	223	viii.	George Gilmer Sanders, born February 08, 1913.
	224	ix.	Charles Newell Sanders, born September 06, 1914.
	225	x.	Robert Calvin Sanders, born February 09, 1916.
	226	xi.	Virginia Oewel Sanders, born April 02, 1917.
	227	xii.	Malcolm Robinson Sanders, born June 03, 1918.
	228	xiii.	Elizabeth Graham Sanders, born October 03, 1919.  She married Guy Andrews July 03, 1941.

Notes for Guy Andrews:
Guy and Elizabeth moved to Florida and Guy was elected as either a Florida State Congressman or Representative.  
They also had a winter home in Little Switzerland, NC

	172.  John Lynch15 Sanders (Stephen Drake14, William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, 
John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born May 14, 1852 in Smyth
 Co, VA, and died November 02, 1935 in Sherwood Cemetery, near Salem VA.  He married Flora Zentmeyer September 27, 
1882 in Patrick Co, VA, daughter of Johann Zentmeyer and Martha Penn.  She was born July 04, 1858, and died April 02,
 1935 in Sherwood Cemetery, near Salem VA.
Children of John Sanders and Flora Zentmeyer are:
	229	i.	Stephen Posey16 Sanders, born November 07, 1883; died May 07, 1936.  He married Cary Minor Brooke 1916 
in "Little Church Around the Corner" in New York City; died December 20, 1954.
	230	ii.	Martha Lucinda Sanders, born June 29, 1885.
	231	iii.	Johan Leath Sanders, born August 21, 1887.
	232	iv.	Lynch Burton Sanders, born August 11, 1898; died March 02, 1972.  He married Frances Rachel Critz 
November 11, 1933; born May 13, 1903; died 1971.
	233	v.	Thelma Edwina Penn"Girlie" Sanders, born November 27, 1901.

	175.  George Burton15 Sanders (Stephen Drake14, William John13, Martha12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, 
John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born October 04, 1859 in Smyth
 CO VA, and died February 15, 1938 in Wythe Co, VA.  He married Mary ELizabeth"Mollie" Painter June 29, 1893 in Wythe
 Co, VA, daughter of Lee Painter and Henrietta Sanders.  She was born August 08, 1868 in Wythe Co, VA, and died April 29,
 1947 in Wythe Co, VA.
Children of George Sanders and Mary Painter are:
	234	i.	Virginia Lee16 Sanders, born May 24, 1894; died November 16, 1987 in Wythe Co, VA.  She married Nathaniel 
Crockett Kelly August 31, 1922 in Wythe Co, VA; born April 28, 1889; died November 18, 1972.
	235	ii.	Kittie Drake Sanders, born September 02, 1895 in Wythe Co, VA; died November 18, 1972 in Greenville Co, SC, 
buried in Wythe Co, VA, Drapers Valley Presbyterian Cemetery.  She married Sterling Fletcher Watts III November 24, 1919
 in Wythe Co, VA, Max Meadows, at the Methodist Parsonage; born June 27, 1895 in Wythe Co, VA; died December 06, 1966
 in Hall Co, GA, buried in Wythe Co, VA, Drapers Valley Presbyterian Cemetery.

Notes for Sterling Fletcher Watts III:
"Sterl" ran Jackson's Ferry across New River, across from the Historic Shot Tower, in Wythe Co, VA, in the 1920s. After
 the bridge was built, he worked for the Virginia Highway Department of Transportation.  He loved to drink, "Doctor Pepper".
  Sterl and Kittie lived in the George Burton Sanders home, which still stands, and is across New River fromt the Shot Tower.
  All of their children were born there.  Sterl's brother-in-law Richard Sanders, had a loan against the homeplace and during
 the Depression, the banks called in their loans, and Richard was unable to pay his debt, and the family lost the home to the
 Land Grant Department.  The Jennings family bought the 200+ acre farm and as of 1994, was still owned by this family,
 the third generation.  Sterl and Kittie moved from homeplace to homplace and settled in Draper's Valley VA in the 1950s. 
 In 1965, Sterl's son-in-law, Henri Kent suffered and aneurysm and was paralyzed as a result of the surgery.  Sterl and
 Kittie moved to Gainesville, GA to live with their daughter, Elizabeth, to help take care of Henri and, child, Catherine.  
On 12-01-1966, Sterl was helping Henri (who walked with a cane, but needed assistance to walk) across the hallway, 
suffered a massive coronary heart attack, and dropped dead.  He was buried in Wythe Co, VA, at the Drapers' Valley
 Presbyterian Cemetery, where his wife, Kittie, daughter, Elizabeth, and son-in-law, Henri are also buried.   

	236	iii.	Richard Matthews Sanders, born August 31, 1897.  He married (1) Louise Elizabeth Vaughn.  He married (2) 
Lucille Kidd May 02, 1936; born 1915 in Rural Retreat, VA.
	237	iv.	George Burton Sanders, born April 19, 1904.  He married Florence Howard May 1926; born September 17, 1896.

	187.  Henrietta Virginia15 Sanders (Valarius Gracchus14, Robert13, Mary12 Newell, James Newell11 Jr, Mary10 Drake, 
John9, Francis8, Bamfield7, Joseph6, John5, Sir Francis4, Thomas3, Edmond2, John1) was born August 30, 1844, and died
 January 19, 1919 in Wythe Co, VA, Ivanhoe.  She married Lee Nuckols Painter October 01, 1863, son of James Painter
 and Mary Eller.  He was born October 05, 1834, and died May 23, 1905 in Wythe Co, VA, Ivanhoe.

Notes for Lee Nuckols Painter:
(Douthat Papers)		
Lee was a farmer in Wythe Co.
Children of Henrietta Sanders and Lee Painter are:
	238	i.	Valarius Sanders16 Painter, born September 07, 1866 in 01-25-1920; died January 25, 1920.  He married 
Susan Wiley Mitchell September 17, 1903 in Smythe Co, VA; born April 10, 1876; died December 12, 1926.

Notes for Valarius Sanders Painter:
(Douthat Papers)		
Valerius was a salesman for the Caldwell Co, in Roanoke, VA

	239	ii.	Mary ELizabeth"Mollie" Painter, born August 08, 1868 in Wythe Co, VA; died April 29, 1947 in Wythe Co, VA.  
She married George Burton Sanders June 29, 1893 in Wythe Co, VA; born October 04, 1859 in Smyth CO VA; died 
February 15, 1938 in Wythe Co, VA.
	240	iii.	James Kincannon Painter, born December 19, 1870; died June 20, 1934 in Knox Co, TN.  He married Mrs. 
Woodson Price August 31, 1897 in Wythe Co, VA.

Notes for James Kincannon Painter:
(Douthat papers)	
James was the city clerk in Johnson City, Tenn

	241	iv.	Alexander Lee Painter, born August 11, 1874; died July 17, 1877.
	242	v.	Maria"Robie" Robinson Painter, born January 01, 1877; died August 08, 1938.

Notes for Maria"Robie" Robinson Painter:
(Douthat papers)
"Aunt Robie" was a school teacher in Wythe Co, VA

	243	vi.	Georgie Woods Painter, born January 22, 1879; died February 14, 1926 in W.VA, Flood in Huntington.  
She married Dr. John S. Clark 1922.

Notes for Georgie Woods Painter:
(Douthat papers)	
Say she died in a flood in Louisville, KY

My mother's documentation say she died in a flood in Huntington, WVA

She was a teacher in Ivanhoe, VA

	244	vii.	Henrietta Newell Painter, born May 24, 1881; died April 19, 1926.
	245	viii.	Catherine Lakin Painter, born January 13, 1884.

Notes for Catherine Lakin Painter:
"Aunt Kate", never married, her fiance died ice skating on the River, when he fell a hole in the ice and drowned.
 She was a school teacher. 

	246	ix.	Owen Kent Painter, born February 10, 1887; died October 27, 1892.