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The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser Tuesday 15 November 1892
Picnic on the Black Mountain.-We have been favoured with the following interesting description of a picnic party on Prince of Wales' Birthday by a participator in this pleasant excursion:-At the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Manly, of Fairview, Dunolly, wo made an early start on Prince of Wales Birthday to a picnic at Mr. James andrews', at Bridgman. It was a beautiful morning and the road was good till we reached the brickyards. It then became very rough, on account of the deep ruts made by the timber waggons. It is a pity that , the Road Trustees cannot see their way to improve this short piece qf bad road, as further on it becomes excellent. In due time we reached the picturesque residence, everything looking its best, and all hands busy preparing to make a start for Mr. Kermode's place, where the members of the Wesleyan Church intend holding a picnic under the guidance of their popular minister (Rev. Mr. Robson). Still pushing on to the cross roads (one going to Goorangoola), we took the right way this time and went the St. Clair road, and, at a sign erected by Mr. Andrews, we turned off the road, and after a short drive came to the rest of the party, who were making all preparations for dinner under the superintendence of Mrs. Manly and a staff of able assistants, Mr. Manly being in charge of the canteen. Sport had I ' Already begun, and hares and parrots were lying about in abundance. The shooting was something to be remembered, some parrots taking as many as five shots to kill them. After dinner a party of gentlemen proceeded up the big mountain under the leadership of Mr. James Andrews. To those who had never tried mountain climbing it was very arduous work, still very pleasant, and well repaid the trouble, for the views from the top were most excellent. Our great African explorer was rather startled when looking for an innocent hare to shoot when, be almost stepped on a tiger snake, when our most agile Color-Sergeant came to his rescue and despatched his snakeship. After winding around the hill a beautiful view was obtained of Mrs. Waddell's homestead, Benvenue. All being thirsty they were clamorous for water, when our guide took us through the bush to a small creek of beautiful clear water. An old bushman, who was present, soon dented his hat in and gave us a clear draught from the crystal spring. Ferns were here gathered, including some -choice varieties. We then turned for home, having promised to be back in two hours. If the up-hill was hard work I prefer it to down-hill, and so did our guide. On our way down some beautiful staghorns were taken from the rocks. The fun then commenced in earnest. Our friend, Mr. S., came down with his load several times. Those with the guns had sport with hares and wallabies, but in most cases the guns would not go off quickly enough, and the shootists had nothing in the shape of hard-won trophies to carry home with them.
On our return to the camp we were welcomed by the ladies, who had also been busy gathering ferns. After partaking of tea, the horses were harnessed, ready for a start, when all were called together, and a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Mr. and Mrs. Manly for their kindness, accompanied by three ringing cheers, and one cheer more was given to Mr. Andrews, who so kindly guided us through our pleasant mountain journey. Thus ended a very pleasant outing, and one well worth those coming from a distance to enjoy.