Looking for Eason Drake maybe be the same as the Easton Drake on the Ct.census
- Drake roll call November 1999

From: Barbara Langham 

Subject: [DRAKE-L] roll call Eason/Easton Drake
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 8:22 PM

Looking for Eason Drake maybe be the same as the Easton Drake on the Ct.

 Drake, Easton  CT LITCHFIELD CO.   196 1800     10100-1010000
When Easton disappears from the Ct. census. Eason shows up in the 1810
census for S.C.Then Eason is in every census until he dies.  I cannot trace
Eason back before the 1810 census and cannot find Easton after the 1800
census. Does anyone know if these are the same person?