Date: Wednesday, 8 August 1998
Seek any information on the following Drakes married to Grovers, in pre-and
post Civil War Illinois:
Betsey Drake md. Charles B. Grover, 10/4/1855, Kane County, Illinois
Salina Drake md. Christopher B. Grover, 6/14/1854, Kane County, Illinois
Mary Ann Drake md. Isaiah Grover, 8/16/1873, Edgar County, Illinois
Laura Drake md. Leurtus Grover, 1/25/1845, Kane County, Illinois
Believe they may all be from same family, with origins in New York state,
possibly Syracuse area. Any information would be appreciated and will share
what little information we have. Thank you for your courtesy and co operation
in this regard. Sincerely, Robert Campbell of Long Beach, California, great- great-grandson of Christopher B. and Salina DRAKE Grover of Batavia, Illinois