Catherine Drake
married Jessie Heizer
I have a lot more questions than I do answers.

My g g grandmother was Catherine Drake who married Jessie Heizer 22 March 1831, Brown Co., OH. I am told there is an affidavit that states she was age 22 at that time. This would make yr. of birth 1808/09. However, inscribed on her tombstone, she was 70 yrs. 5mo. 12 days when she died 30 Oct 1881. If she really is the dau. of Henry Drake and Nancy Ellis then Francis Drake would be her brother and his d.o.b. is 2 Oct 1811 which would make these 2 born only 5 mo. apart. I would like to find some proof of when Catherine was born. It would be great if she is a dau. of Henry and Nancy, I would just like to be more certain. If any of your contacts can help me with this, that would be great and much appreciated. Thanks!

Marie Taylor