Lt. Ralph Everett Ellinwood, born 24 May 1838, Orange Co. NY; was wounded at the 2nd battle of Bull Run, 29 Aug. 1862; died from infection in Alexandria Va. 25 Sep. 1862.

He was married 10 Nov. 1861 in Warren Co. Ohio; [ in SALEM? ] to

Rebecca Eugenie Drake, was born circa 1836 in Salem, Warren Co. Ohio to John & Elizabeth [Golden-Goldin-Goulding] Drake who were married there in 1821. In examining all the Censuses for that county from 1830—1880 there were at least eight children that lived during those census years. By compiling and comparing the numbers for 1830---1840, with the names that appeared in the 1850 census. There are some names that are missing.


These ages are from the 1850 Census for this Drake family.

John 56, Elizabeth 43, Thomas 23, James 18, William G. 16, Rebecca E. 13, & Joseph H. 11._________________________________________________________________

In the 1860 and 1870 Censuses this family had a Thomas Golden age 51 1860 who died in 1862 and a Daughter Mary A. Golden ages 9 & 19 in 1860---1870. In the 1860 census Rebecca appears as a Drake and in 1870 as a widow Rebecca Elenwood living with her mother and her cousin. I am thankful that Mary A. Golden was included in the censuses, since John Drake had already died in 1868 and she provided the positive connecting link._________

Knowing that her husband had been wounded and then died during this period in her life in a location somewhere between or at these ends, Salem, Warren Co., Ohio or Alexandria Virginia. Rebecca gave birth to and lost a son who only lived 5 days, 6-11 Sep. 1862. She was in Arlington Virginia and signed his death certificate two weeks after their son had died. Her husband and son are buried together in the Orwell Cemetery in Ashtabula Co. Ohio.


Ralph Everett Ellinwood, one of ten children of John M. and Hannah F. Ellinwood he was the younger of the two brothers of Elizabeth Ellinwood, who was the wife of Jacob Tuckerman, my Great Grand parents. The Lt. is buried in the same cemetery as his parents, sisters, & other relatives and with his 5-day-old son in Orwell, Ashtabula County, Ohio.______

Rebecca Eugenie Drake, the daughter of John and Elizabeth [Golden or Goulding] Drake, was one of at least eight children who were recorded as living during the census years from their 1821 marriage in Warren County, Ohio. Regretfully the 1830 and 1840 censuses did not list any names other that the head of the family. It seems that they might have had two adjacent residences on the same acreage with another Drake family living next door from 1860---1880. Since the enclosed accompanying 1880 Census entry for Joseph is followed by the one for Elizabeth her daughter and niece.

My primary interest would include information on all of her siblings similar to the enclosed 1880 census entry for her younger brother Joseph and the complete families of that particular generation nieces and nephews. Any knowledge of her parent’s family trees?


The 1850 census John 56, b 1794-5, Elizabeth 43, b 1806-7, Thomas 23, b 1826-7, James 18, b 1831-2, William G. 16, b 1833-4, Rebecca E. 13, b 1836-7,

& Joseph 11, b 1838-9 formed this family in the 1850 Census. Years have been calculated.

Elizabeth’s brother Thomas Golden, age 51 1860, died in 1862

In the 1860 age 9, and 1870 age 19 censuses there is a niece Mary A. Golden living in the family household, her presence there connected Rebecca Drake to Rebecca Ellinwood.

John Drake died in 1868

Elizabeth Drake is believed to have died in 1881

Rebecca [Drake] Ellinwood is alive and included in the 1880 census with her mother and another cousin Eunice Drake, single white female, age 15 circa 1865 in Ohio.____

In adjacent entries in the 1880 census will be found on the bottom of Pg. 262C & the top of Pg. 262D the following two entries.

Joseph Drake framer 40 Ohio Fa: NC Mo: VA

Amanda wife 35 Ohio Fa: KY Mo: PA

Rayman son 8 Ohio Fa: OH Mo: OH

Annie E. Dau. 5 Ohio same same

Daisey Dau. 2 Ohio same same

James Hill laborer 18 Ohio unknown

Sarah Weer Other 77 PA Fa:NJ Mo: NJ

Elizabeth Drake Self 74 VA Fa VA Mo VA

Rebecca Elenwood Dau. 43 OH Fa: NC Mo: VA

Eunice Drake Niece 15 OH Fa: PA Mo: OH

1900 Census Index

Only one entry can I verify as belonging to this family in the Ohio soundex.

1900 Ohio, Clinton, Vernon, ED # 73, page 211, the Census reads as follows. 140—146

Drake, Joseph self WM Aug. 1840-59 M 31

Drake, Amanda wife WF Oct. 1844-55 M 31 [3-3]

Goodwin Annie dau WF Apr. 1875-25 M 1 [1-1]

Goodwin Grant M. S-I-L WM Dec. 1868 32 M 1

Goodwin Carl R. G-son WM Apr. 1900

Joseph’s father born in the N. or S. Carolina, mother Virginia, Amanda’s father in Pennsylvania. All other birth entries are Ohio_______________________________

Should you have any knowledge about this family or know of any descendants that could help with the information that I am searching for I would greatly appreciate any help that you can offer. R. W. Tuckerman

P. O. Box 743

E-mail [ ] Otis Orchards

