Francis Drake born 1846, Coldridge -
parents were Bartholomew Drake and Frances.
From: Cheryl Siemens
Date: Thursday, August 09, 2001 3:14 PM
Roy, I would appreciate you putting my enquiries on the Drake website. I have visited the site and it is very informative and interesting. Maybe someone there has a connection to my Drakes.

Does anyone have any information on the following:

Francis Drake born 1846, Coldridge, parents -
Bartholomew Drake, born 1805, Monoakhampton;
Frances, born 1814, North Tawton.
Frances married Agnes Morris born 1854, London Twp. ON Canada and moved back to Devon shortly after their marriage in 1872 to Torquay.
Had the following children (on the 1891 census of Devon):
Edwin Arthur 1878, born Torquay
Beatrice Alma 1880, born Newton Abbot(died before 1887)
Maud 1884, born St. Mary Christ
Charles 1885, born Tormohan
Beatrice 1887, born Tormohan
Frances 1889, born Tormohan
Emily May 1891, born Newton Abbot

Thanks for any help.

Cheryl Siemens,
Calgary, AB