Leslie A Drake, birth registered in 1911
in Edmonton London, mothers maiden name was Calcraft
From: David Brimson

Date: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:43 AM

Hi Roy,
I am  searching my partners family.
Her grandfather  was Leslie A Drake, birth registered in the September
quarter of 1911 in Edmonton London, mothers maiden name was Calcraft, folio
3a page #1368
His death registered March quarter of 1942 in Oxford, England. He was then
aged 31. folio 3a page # 2742. He left a wife and 3 small children. He was
known to run a fish and chip shop on the Cowley Rd in Oxford.
He lived at 1941 -1943  Between Towns Road , Cowley, Oxford. Kelly's
Directory. After 1943 Mrs Drake was listed only.
Any info on Leslie's parentage would be very helpful.
Many thanks......David Brimson
David Brimson
38 Spencer Avenue,
Oxon. OX5 1NQ