William Leftwich Drake married Eliza Skinner Drake.

From: Linda Curran Sabbagh 

Date: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 10:00 PM

I am descended from the Revolutionary War veteran, Capt. John Drake.  He was
from Virginia, and one of his descendants is a Civil War veteran, William
Leftwich Drake who married Eliza Skinner Drake.  They migrated to Prairie
Mount, MS from Franklin County Alabama, and they had about 10 children.
When Eliza died in July 1869, following the birth of a daughter Eliza Jane
Drake, she was buried in Prairie Mount, MS  William Leftwich Drake died and
was buried in Hunt County Texas (or Fannin County), at the home of his son,
James Henry Drake.  James Henry Drake moved back to MS and died in Pontotoc,
MS and is buried in Pontotoc Cemetery, in an unmarked grave, on November 15,
1934.  His third wife was Dora Carter.  He had a second wife, Gussie Ponder,
and I don't know what happened to her.  His first wife was Lenora Laird, and
they were married in Texas.  She is buried in Shawnee Mission Cemetery, and
she died after bearing about 10 children.

Let me know if you can find any history about my Drake ancestors in the
Drake family information that you have gathered.

Also, let me know if anyone has pictures of Capt. John Drake or William
Leftwich Drake and has information as to where William Leftwich Drake, Eliza
Skinner Drake, or James Henry Drake are buried.
