Samuel Adam Drake b. 1837
and Francis Samuel Drake b.1828

From: Linda Pell
Subject: Samuel Adam and Francis Samuel Drake
Date: Thursday, June 08, 2000 11:52 PM

Descendants of Robert Drake, here are 7 generations

Robert Drake 1579-1667 m. ?

1. Nathaniel Drake
2. Susanna Drake
3. Abraham Drake
(rumored son Capt. Francis Drake, but not listed in family tree)

3. Abraham Drake b.1621 m. Jane?
  child:  Abraham Drake b. 1654  m. Sarah Hobbes
           child: Abraham Drake b. 1688 m Theodate Robie(?)
                  child: Simon Drake m. Judith Perkins
                        children: 1. James  m. Hannah Wood
                                 2.  Simeon Drake m. Love Muchmore Tuck
                                          child: Samuel Gardner Drake b. 10/14/1798
                                                 m.  Louisa Marie   
                                                 children: 1. Samuel Adam Drake b. 1837
                                                          2. Francis Samuel Drake b.1828
Samuel Gardner Drake, Samuel Adam Drake and Francis Samuel Drake were all 
writers. Sam. A. and Francis spent time in Kansas, although family is based 
from NH and Boston.  Looking for descendants between these two and Florence 
Drake m. Charles Bowker in Everett MA  approx 1923   

Linda Pell