Edwin Harvey Drake born 6/16/1841, in Mansfeild, Mass

From:  Katie Kelly 

Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 9:24 PM

Dear Mr Andrews,
    My name is Katie Kelly, and i've just started researching my family 
history. I asked my Grandmother for any information that may help my search. 
She sent me some information either her cousin or her mothers cousin had sent 
her when he was researching. All she had was info about Edwin Harvey Drake ( 
born 6/16/1841, in Mansfeild, Mass) which I think was my Great-Grandmother's 
father, her name was Myrla Mae Drake ( born in Eau Galle, Wis). In these 
pages was a note, asking families to fill out some info so he could complete 
a family history. On the note it says he had a lot of luck, and the records 
show that we "are direct decendents of the original JOHN DRAKE of the House 
of Ashe about 1360..." it also says that it traces back to to THOMAS DRAKE 
who came to the U.S in about 1635. I haven't gotten really any where since I 
have started, but I did find your web site and really found the history of 
the people and the estate very interesting. If you have any information you 
think I could use I would greatly appreciate it. My e-mail address is 
Thank You very much,
      Katie Kelly