Catherine Drake
marriage to Lewis Hyde Schnabel

From: R. A. Silverness 

Subject: Catherine Drake Schnabel
Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 9:30 AM

Dear Roy,

Might there be a family connection between a Catherine Drake Schnabel and
your family.  All i know about her family is that she was from Woodbridge
NJ and lived, after her marriage to Lewis Hyde Schnabel, in the White Bear
lake area of Minnesota and Gand Forks ND.  I do know she died in Grand
Forks in about 1919.  In her cookbook she does have references to
grandmother Valentine as well.

My grandmother, Catherines' daughter, did make a trip out to NJ in about
1916 to meet the relatives.

let me know...... if there is a connection...

Thank you...
