Garnet Welcome Drake,
who was born in Stratford, or London Ont. Canada.

Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 4:05 AM

Mr. Andrews I have just started my line of Drakes. My father like many fathers has said "that we are in the line of sir Francis Drake" I have started and ran into a block in my line. My grandfather was Garnet Welcome Drake, who was born in Stratford, or London Ont. Canada. In high school I had done a report on my family and my grandmother Maryon J. Drake told me what she knew Garnets father was John Easter Drake, she said he was born in London, Ont. on June 4 1880. and died July 6, 1969 also in London Ont. He had married Minnie Margaret Brown. They had four children, one daughter Bernice, and three sons Vernon, Theodore and Garnett. Garnett had a disagreement with his father, and left Canada, and moved to Ft. Wayne In. I hope you can help me in some way. One other thing, in 1983 I toured Europe with a choir and we stayed with home families, when I was in England I stayed with a Tony Drake. He showed me an old scrape book about three brothers. It has letters from two of the brothers to the other. I remember reading a little. One was stationed in India. and had tin pictures of him killing things. The other brother had moved to Canada. I think it was about marrying a commoner. I wish I had the money to fly back to England and find him. Is there a way to find him. Or do you already have the book. I did get a picture of Tony and his wife and mother. I was young and didn't think about how much I would need this information now. PLEASE HELP. e-mail is