Hi All-
I am fairly new to this list. I do see all the discussion about Benjamin
Drake; I haven't faintest idea who he is but it is still very interesting.
I have found information which goes back 900 years through my DRAKE
ancestor. Maybe some of you know this. I haven't found documentation on it
I am looking for descendants of Abigail DRAKE & Isreal DEWEY; I hopes I
can fill in some missing dates, etc. Abigail was born Sept. 28, 1648
possibly in Windsor CT. Her parents were Job DRAKE & Mary WOLCOTT. I have
lineage on both of these people. Abigail had six siblings that I know of:
Mary born: 1649,
Job born: ?,
Elizabeth born: 1654,
Joseph born: 1657,
Hepzibah born: 1659,
and Hester born: 1662.
Job DRAKE, father of my Abigail, was the son of John DRAKE, who was the emigrant ancestor. They lived in Windsor, CT. It is through this John DRAKE's grandmother- Elizabeth Prideaux that the lines go far back.
I would appreciate any feed back from you all.