Date: Friday, 14 May 1999 9:15 Can anyone help this person? Hello my name is Donald Wesley Drake, I live in Midwest City, Oklahoma USA. I was born in Oklahoma City on 5-10-69 and have lived here most of my life. I am having a problem finding out who my great grand father was cause nobody knows where my great grand father was born, he wouldn't tell any one. my dads name is Norman Drake Jr., his dad was Norman Drake born in Idabelle OK in 1918 unk month or day. his dad was Valentine Smith Drake born some where in Texas unk month day or year. i have been looking on the net and have turned up nothing. i have also pestered my family to death asking about him. any hints on where to go next would be helpful. I found that my ggrandad was born in texas like i said then found his dad a John G. Drake born in new york in 1852 but thats as far as i got thank you for your time Don W. Drake |