Jesse DRAKE and Jemima ROSE lineage

Date: Thursday, 8 April 1999 11:47

Hello.  My name is Doug Bodkin, and my lineage back to the DRAKES is through 
the NEWKIRK line, where Tunis NEWKIRK married Catherine DRAKE.  Catherine was 
one of six children of Jesse DRAKE and Jemima ROSE.  Family tradition has it 
that Jesse was the son of John DRAKE and Aphia (Alpha? Alphia?) WARD, all of 
Devonshire.  Jesse apparently was also born in Devonshire (Plymouth?) around 
1748.  Jemima ROSE was a daughter of Gottlieb (Godlove) ROOSS, from around 
Bingen on Rhine in the Palatine region of Germany.  I am looking for the 
Jesse to John connection, and all pedigree before John.  Any help would be 
greatly appreciated!  Thanks, 
Doug Bodkin