Date: Wednesday, 10 March 1999 4:03
Hello All You Drakes
maybe some of you, or at least one of you can help me find my long lost
Drakes from Hartwick, New York .
They were on the 1860 census in DeKalb county, Illinois-Hicks Mills twp.
Isaac R. Drake , wife Parmelia (Comstock) Drake, children Mary, Catherine,
A John Gordon age 1yr. was listed as grandson, also a John Gordon age 23yrs
old was listed no relationship given, I assume he was a son-in-law and the
father of John Gordon the infant..
The drakes lived next door to Pamelia,s sister Elizabeth ,Elizabeth was
married to a Moon, the Moons moved to California but the Drakes do not show
up there, can not find them anywhere in 1870. any help would be appreciated
Abigail Parrish