Wednesday, July 19, 2000 2:04 PM update
Date: Friday, 19 February 1999 7:12 original posting
I saw your post on & decided to write. I
have been told that my ancestor was John Drake brother to Sir Francis.
I have hit a glitch in my research. My grandfather was Eli Carrington
His father was Thomas Carter DRAKE & mother was Lovina BOWIE.
His parents were Thomas DRAKE & Hannah BROWNING and they married on 25 Jan.1837 in HarrisonCo., Ohio, USA. I still don't know their parents names though.Thomas was born
in Maryland in 1810 & Hannah was born in 1815 also in Maryland.
My father was Eli Carrington DRAKE Jr. I think Thomas & Hannah DRAKE were born in Maryland USA in the early 1800's.
The children
of Thomas & Hannah Drake,according to the 1860 Monroe County,Ohio census
were: William,Benjamin,John,Thomas Carter(my 2x great-grandfather born 4
July 1842 in Monroe County,Ohio),George W.,Mary E.,Wesley,Frederick,Casander
& Esther A. Also,listed in this household was a Nathan & Sarah. I'm not sure
if these were also their children or not yet.
Thomas Carter DRAKE married Lovina BOWIE on 9 Oct.1865 in Washington
County,Ohio, USA. It was recorded on 19 Oct.1865. They had Nancy Ellen,Hannah
Jane,Eli Carrington Drake Sr.(my grandfather---born 13 April 1871 Washington
Co.,Ohio), Thomas, Mary Sue, Eliza, Rose, Elizabeth H., Amanda Jane, Carrie S.&
Edna Lucy.Thomas died when he was 15 on 9 July 1887 in Washington Co.,
out of all those kids my grandfather was the one to carry on the Drake name.