Jonathan Drake -m-Mary... SC by 3/6/1697-d.1731/32

Date: Wednesday, 24 February 1999 6:03


I just wanted to give you a little more on my Drake line if you are going to
put it in your database.  I found much of my info and sources in the
"Biographical Directory of 
SC House of Representatives" by Bailey & Cooper, The SCHM, Vol. 11, "Cantey
Family" by Ames and "Journals of the Commissioners of the Indian Trade" by
McDowell, etc.

I.   Jonathan Drake -m-Mary.........Vol. II, pgs.197, 198, 199  (BDSCHR)
     (in SC by 3/6/1697-d.1731/32)
      Children:   Jonathan Drake, Jr.-m- ?Mary Loveridge,  their dau. Anne
Drake was
2nd wf. of Charles Cantey.
                       Mary Drake  -m- Coachman
                        Sarah Drake
                        Anne Drake
                        Margaret Drake
                     *  Elizabeth Drake

II.   Elizabeth Drake -m- William Drake.....Vol. II, pg.199 (BDSCHR)
     (d. by l0/25/1731)       (d.Jan 1740)
      Daughter:  * Harriett Drake

III.  Harriett Drake -m- Charles Cantey.....Vol. II, pgs.135,136 (1692-1775)
                                (1718-1780)           by Edgar & Bailey 

Charles Cantey is the great grandson of Teige Cantey came from Ireland to
Barbadoes to Charles Town, SC by 1672.  This is the line I used to join First
Families of SC, so have much more info on Cantey than on my Drake
line........which would be a First Families line (1697), also.

You will notice that I have sent the little that I have on the Edgecombe Co.,
NC DRAKES and what is surely a connection with my NETTLES & MARLEY to the
DRAKE-L today.  

Hope this will help someone and would appreciate anything you spot that you
can add to mine.

Jaba alot
(now you know how I got my screen name) LOL
In an earlier message to the Drake List, I mentioned that I have a Jonathan
DRAKE of Charleston, SC and that I'm also looking for DRAKES in Edgecombe Co.,
NC.  I have a copy of the Bible record for my SOLOMON NETTLES (b.1721) and
ELIZABETH MARLEY (b.1721) of Edgecombe Co. which has the following entries
that are not identified and would certainly appear to be Elizabeth Marley's

"LOTT MAUND departed this life 27 Sept. 1765.
LAZARUS DRAKE departed this life 20 Feb. 1783.
MALACHI MAUND departed this life 7 Oct. 1783.
ANN, dau. of LAZARUS DRAKE, married BENJAMIN dates."

I have also found  these names in the "Abstracts of The Wills of Edgecombe
County, NC 1733-1856 by Williams & Griffin".  Ann DRAKE MARLEY'S will (1799)
mentions son: Boling & daus: Sarah & Elizabeth.  

I hope that others on this list might have the same line and like to compare
notes.....think I've found one already!

Thanks, Jaba