Louis/Lewis Drake supposedly of England

Date: Sunday, 7 February 1999 3:51

I have been reading all the roll calls with much interest and bated breath
hoping someone would post something in regard to my line-so far have not seen
anything so am now ready to post my Drake lineage and hope someone may be able
to help me find ancestors.

Louis/Lewis Drake supposedly of England, married widow Anna Wickermeyer
BARTLING of Germany in Ripley County,IN March 9, 1857.  They had one son-Louis
Leonard DRAKE who married Magdalena CHRISTMAN in Cincinnati, OH.  Louis and
"Lena" had:
Edward-d. in infancy
Lena-d. in infancy
Henry Peter DRAKE  b. April 24, 1885
Anna Edith DRAKE    b. Oct. 3, 1886
Louis Casper DRAKE  b. June 26, 1888
John Henry DRAKE    b. Aug 2, 1890
William Henry DRAKE b. July 26, 1892
Emmalene DRAKE      b. May 15, 1896
Caroline Katharine DRAKE B. Feb 3, 1898
Flora Ann (Florence) DRAKE b. Nov. 30, 1899
Sopha Edna (Sophronia) DRAKE B. Sept 6, 1903
Elsie Carolyn DRAKE b. Oct 6, 1905
Vernice Edna (Bernice) B. Dec. 26, 1907
All children were born in Ripley County, Indiana and that Lewis and Anna DRAKE and Louis and "Lena" DRAKE all died in Ripley County, IN. I have no dates of death for Louis and Anna but Louis DRAKE d. 1915 and "Lena" died 1946. Need information on ancestors and would love to hear from other descendants.