Date: Tuesday, 2 February 1999 12:18
Hello Everyone,
While doing research on my WOODS family tree the following was found in
my Grand Mothers Bible.
As a kid I always remember my Grandmother (Ida Fay MAXWELL Woods)
talk about her Mother Adilaid DRAKE Maxwell.
This story takes place in Shelby County, Center, Texas.
Adilaid DRAKE was born Dec. 25, 1896...Place of birth is believed to be
Her first husband was a J.T. YOUNG. DOB unk, DOD, unk POB unk.
From this marriage there were two children:
Lonrinda YOUNG, DOB 1859, DOD unk, POB Fralcon, Arkansas
Delila T. YOUNG, DOB Aug. 17, 1861, DOD July 9, 1855, POB unk but maybe
Adilaid DRAKE Young then married H.H. MAXWELL a Dentist.
It is believed that H.H. MAXWELL was born in Charlotte, NC. He then went to
Arkansas and that this is where he met Adilaid DRAKE Young.
Adilaid DRAKE married H.H. MAXWELL about Oct. 11, 1870. Place unk
but surly in Arkansas.
The following children were born from this marriage:
Florence A. MAXWELL, DOB Jun. 29, 1873, POB Temple, Texas, DOD Mar. 16,
1926, Shelby, County, Center, Texas.
Harvey Jay MAXWELL, DOB Feb. 20, 1875, POB Shelby, County, Center, Texas,
DOD 1959.
Girard MAXWELL, DOB Oct. 4, 1876, POB Shelby County, Center, Texas, DOD Dec.
1, 1951
Ida Fay MAXWELL, DOB Jan. 14, 1878, POB Shelby County, Center, Texas, DOD
Nov 8, 1969.
Belle MAXWELL, DOB Nov. 6, 1871, POB, Shelby County, Center, Texas, DOD Jun.
10, 1968.
My Grandmother, Ida Fay MAXWELL Woods told me
that Adilaid Drake was a descendent of Sir Francis Drake.
I have never heard of anyone who has made the connection.
The following is recorded in my Grandmothers (Ida Fay MAXWELL Woods)
P.N. Drake, May 30, 1810
R.P. Drake, March 12, 1814,
Californa Drake, June 18, 1837
Rebecca J. Drake, January 7, 1839
B. Jerome Drake, July 5, 1840
M.W. Drake, September 13, 1843
Laura Drake, July 5, 1846
John F. Drake, October 7, 1847
W.P. Drake, October 7, 1849
M.F. Drake, August 5, 1852
Paralee Drake, October 5, 1853
Lilla Viola Drake, January 10, 1869
S.B. Drake, March 11, 1873
Jabar L. Drake, February 23, 1876
Minnie Lee Drake, February 20, 1879
Can anyone recognize or make a connection to any of the above?
Best Regards,
Frederick W. Woods (Rick)
474 Maple Circle Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Phone: 513/671-5859
Fax: 513/671-6101
Cell: 513/490-8029