Family of Jesse Drake

Date: Saturday, 16 January 1999 5:15

Hi List family:

I have been hovering on the Drake list for about 4 months now, watching
intently for my family and learning how many, many Drakes are out there.

I would like to get some clarification, if possible, from some
knowledgable Drakers,

My great grandmother started our family history and she was born in 1859
- lived in Clinton (Henry Co) Mo. where Judge David Rose Drake raised his
family. She married Wm. Prottsman Thornton whose mother was Harriet
Columbus Drake, daughter of David Rose Drake.

My grandmother wrote that David Rose Drake was the son of Jesse Drake
and Jemima Rose. The information that I have got from Roy Andrew's
webpage supports that. I need to have documentation or at least personal
knowledge that Jesse was the son of John Drake and Apphia Ward, like my
grandmother says.  I do not know where she might have got her
information.  Since Jesse's daughter Sally named her daughter Apphia
Ward Seaton and son Charles named his son Jesse Ward Drake and David
named HIS son Ward Drake, it stand to reason that Apphia Ward was their
grandmother.  Does anyone know?

Further - my written history states that John Drake had older brothers -
1) Benjamin;  2) William;  3) James;  4) Bazzio;  5) Matthew;  and then
a younger sister, Margaret.  Is this the same Benjamin that has been
stirring up so much controversy?  Did they all come to America at
different times and to different locations? If Jesse was born in
England, did he come over as a boy with his father, John or did he come
as a young adult already married or what?

My history shows these boys and one girl as being the children of
Francis and Mary Buckingham. But it also says that Francis came to
Virginia and later went to North Carolina.  He would have been Jesse's
GRANDFATHER.  The time lines don't make too much sense with the little
information I have. Hopefully some Draker out there in cyberspace can
help me on this.

Thanks in advance.
A cousin, Karen Trient