Catherine Drake - adoption
Can anybody help or at least point Susan in the right direction

From: Susan Wysong
Subject: missing Drake
Date: Monday, 28 December 1998 11:58
My aunt was adopted out as were her brother and sisters. She has tried but the records are sealed. She is very freckled and red hair.Her info is limited to : Mother Catherine, died in 1936. Father was Joseph or Jacob. They were in Ithica, NY. The brother was Carl,sisters: Naomi and Beatrice. If any one can shed some light on this it would be appreciated, our own family knows its roots back to before the revolutionary war and she only has her own children to look to for "likeness".

Thankyou, Susan Wysong

Date: Tuesday, 29 December 1998 2:33
Hi. I received this message. Can anyone help?
My aunt was one of 4 Drake children in Ithica NY. The adoption records have been sealed. She and they were given new names. Her father was unable to care for the children after the mother died in 1936. My aunts name and birthday: 5-4-1929 Catherine Ann Drake. Her brother and sisters were Carl,Naomi,and Beatrice. Our family knows "US" back to before the revolutionary war. She would like to find someone to see a likness of herself . As it is now she has only her children and grand children. The trait of red hair and freckles is very pronounced in her children and the 3 grand children. Any directions would be appreciated.

From: Susan Wysong
Subject: Andrea Anderson/ real name Catherine Ann Drake
Date: Thursday, 31 December 1998 3:42
Andrea is my aunt in law on my fathers side. She has a Daughter and son and the son has 3 children. We live in Florida,USA and the family we all are called by is Wysong; Weissang until the american colonys started spelling it. Thankyou for answering my letter, Susan M. Wysong

Susan Wysong