Date: Thursday, 26 November 1998 2:45
Hello, Roy,
If you think the info is enough, I would appreciate my inquiry being
added to your website.
As yet I don't have a connection to the Drake line. My OXENHAM ancestor
is John OXENHAM & spouse Yerrott who had a son Richard bap May 23 1677
in Buckland Brewer, Devon, He also had a son John OXENHAM bap 21 May
1673 in Buckland Brewer.. I haven't been able to get further back than
that, so I need to find this supposed Oxenham cousin of Drake.
This is about 100 years before Drake made his voyages. Hoskins in his
"Devon & Its People" states that "Captain John OXENHAM, had been born at
a farmhouse called Oxenham in the parish of South Tawton, probably about
the same time as Drake had been born in Tavistock (about 1541). He and
Drake had been together in Central America in 1572. John fitted out an
expedition in 1574, and became the first Englishman to sail the Pacific.
However the Spaniards caught up with him, captured and hung him at Lima".
Any help trying to find a familial connection between the Drake and
Oxenham family would be greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards,
Ann Ryder, B.C. Canada