Josepha DRAKE

Date: Thursday, 29 October 1998 2:06

New to the list....thought I would give this a try!!!  Researching Josepha
DRAKE who married Andrew FRIEND.  I have that her parents were Oliver
Drake, SR and Rachel SKINNER. 

I know that Andrew FRIEND was born in NJ and died in PA, but I know NOTHING
of Josepha or her parents other than names..... Has anyone researched this
line?  Thanks in advance!!!

Heidi Surnames: Abrams/Arthur/Alt/Bales/Barrick/Beverforden/Buzzard/Crawford/Ellis/Friend/Gr oos/Halfaker/ Hinnkampe/Jones/Jonsson/Keller/King/Linebaugh/Magruder/Miller/Peterson/Radab augh/Shultz/Slaybaugh/Spriggs/Throckmorton/ Locations: Jackson, Scioto, Williams Co., Ohio Hardy, Greenbriar WV Fredrick Co., MD Washington Co., VA Adams Co., PA Shelby Co., IL Crawford, Gasconade Co., MO Tom Surnames: Ainsworth/Breest/Brigham/Corbin/Crediford/Forman/Goodsite/Hatch/Hazen/Lee/Ma rcy/Mentz/ Newton/Palmer/Paul/Phillips/Rice/Rospert/Sheppard/Shire/Ward/Wood