bc 1750, Plymouth or Exeter, Devon, England.

Date: Sunday, 22 November 1998 2:36

Hi Roy,

My husband is apparently descended from a Drake you do not yet have on your searchable databases
list.  I would therefore like to submit the following in hopes that someone else connected to this
family will respond.

1.  GEORGE ROGER DRAKE, bc 1750, Plymouth or Exeter, Devon, England.  He was apparently a sailor on
a ship to Newfoundland.  Family story is he jumped ship there and hid in a hollow log until the
searchers left.  He married first Annie Habit, ca 1780, moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia.  He married
second a Mrs. Copper, widow, ca 1800, probably in Halifax.

Children of George Roger Drake and Annie Habit:
    1. James, bc 1784, Newfoundland
    2. Lydia, went to US and lost contact with family

  Children of George Roger Drake and Mrs. Copper:
    3. Alexander, bc 1800, married a woman named Frost.  He was lost at sea with son John.  Left
sons John and Stephen and daughters Mary Ann and Margaret.
    4. Betsy, b 1804, d 1866, married John Coombes, had 9 children, some remained in Halifax area


1.  James Drake, bc 1784, married ca 1810, Margaret Rood/Rude, daughter of Achus Rood and Amy
Mills.  He was probably a mariner/fisherman and died at Port Hilford, Guysborough Co., Nova Scotia
in 1824.  According to "The Drake Family in England and America" by Louis Stoughton Drake, pub
Boston 1896, pg 285, James and Margaret had 12 children.

Children of James Drake and Margaret Rood:
    1.  James, bc 1834, m Delilah or Letitia ca 1860
    2.  Achus, bc 1812
    3.  David, bc 1814
    4.  Mary
    5.  Martha
    6.  Daniel
    7.  Abner, bc ?, died 24 Nov 1880, apparently unmarried
    8.  Margaret
    9.  Alexander, bc 1830, m Ruth ?, had Margaret and Martha
    10.  John Abner,  b 30 July 1827,


10.  JOHN ABNER DRAKE was born on 30 July 1827 perhaps in Halifax, NS.  He married Priscilla Hurst,
daughter of Thomas Hurst and Jane Kennedy, about 1852 probably in Guysborough Co.  John became a sea
captain.  In various records he was referred to as Esquire and master mariner.  They appear in te
1891 census at Indian Harbor/Port Hilford, NS. There is a record that indicates some confusion about
Priscilla.  The marriage of Maggie Jane Drake, daughter of  Captain John Drake, indicates her mother
was Brigitta, but as Priscilla was alive in 1891 perhaps Brigitta was a middle name?

Children of John Abner Drake and Priscilla Hurst:
    1.  David Francis, bc 1853 Guysborough Co.,
    2.  Abner, bc 1855
    3.  ?Margaret Jane, b 6 Dec 1860, d 31 Oct 1941, m Henry Atwater 1890.
    4.  John Hurst, b  1857, m Emma F. Flick 17 Jan 1883 Holland Harbor, NS


4.  JOHN HURST DRAKE was born in 1857 probably at Port Hilford or Indian Harbor, Nova Scotia.  He
married Emma/Emerentha Flick, daughter of Israel Flick and Mary Rood,  on 17 Jan 1883 at Holland

Children of John Hurst Drake and Emma Flick:
    1.  Robert Abner, b 29 Dec 1884 Port Hilford
    2.  Elizabeth, b 1885, m John Thomas
    3.  Ada G. b 1887, m George Dolphin, moved to Plymouth, MA
    4.  Mabel F. b 1887, m John Marshall
    5.  Emma, b 1890, m Ernest Aubrey, m Robt. Jahrling
    6.  Christina, b 1891, m Allister Spidell, moved to Dorchester, MA
    7.  Estelle, b 1893, m Ray Palmer
    8.  Earle, b 1895, m Hazel ?, moved to California


1.  Robert Abner Drake, b 1884 Port Hilford, NS, married Verena Jean Hinds, daughter of Elisha Pride
Hinds and Lucinda Burke on 1 Jan 1908 perhaps PEI or Marblehead, MA.  They came to Marblehead, MA
where Robert worked in the shipbuilding industry.  Following World War I they moved to Pittsfield,
Berkshire Co., MA where Robert became a mechanic and had his own shop.  He died in Pittsfield on 6
Oct 1935.
Children:  Robert, Eleanor, Ruth, Paul.

Would like to hear from anyone connected. Thanks.
Dot Drake